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Discover and pkcon needs improvement at the part how to make

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- The position where to finds the updates it not good visible

The information of updates it's immediately away on KDE Neon. Imagine that a KDE Neon Newbie not understand, that it's needs to Start Discover to make updates.

- Starting Discover, it's not easy to see, where to click for updates.

- At the Updates Pages: Don't show information updates or show a link to the website with information about updates.

- There is Error: After starting the Download, directly arrives the note to restart the system, before download all

- Updates the system manually with console and pkcon, don't download all packages. (I use "sudo pkcon refresh&&sudo pkcon -y
update) and there is not the same install process after the reboot. For this, updating for looks quite inconsistently.
Also missing the option from pkcon --autoclean. Normally, it's more insecure than use more the on update manager, like I use for the option autoclean with APT. pkcon was made as Red Had Package Manager and not Debian Package Management. Or I misunderstood something?


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