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KDE Neon and multi scale for FullHD/4K monitors

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I'm trying to setup a fresh KDE Neon installation on a multi-monitor workstation.

My laptop runs at an HD res with scaling at 100%, which is fine, but If I plug my 4K external display, I can't adjust the scale in a per-display basis.
It also runs at 100% which turns everything on screen super tiny.

If I set the scale to 150%, it also changes the scale of my laptop screen, rendering it useless.

This is using plasma with X11
If I use Wayland, I can adjust scale on a per monitor basis but the graphics become laggy, with artefacts when moving windows around, and If I close de laptop lid off, things get messy and the external screen changes panels configs (which might be an unrelated issue)

My question is, Is there a reliable way to run multi-monitor, multi-scale setup? Ubuntu with gnome seems to do this just fine, but I really want to use KDE Plasma.



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