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Weird mouse (double)clicks in KDE neon

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I recently switched from 20 years of Windows experience to KDE Neon and honestly, I'm loving it.

But there's one thing, which is also the reason I switched, that I can't seem to get rid of. As I was still using Windows I noticed weird, unwanted mouse clicks. At first I thought it might be a faulty mouse. But even after switching my mice, my keyboards, USB ports and everything else one can think of, the problem still persisted. So I reinstalled Windows, more than a handful of times, and still the same result.

As I was fearing that I might be under surveillance of some kind, I tried switching to Linux. After a dozen of problems with Linux Mint, and Plain Ubuntu, I ended up with KDE Neon. But sadly to say, the behaviour still persists.

What do you guys think can be the reason of this? What might be the attacking point here? Or is there a similar bug known in KDE Neon? I even thought about Powerline. An attacker might be able to control someone's Monitor/Router with it. But information like that is hard to come by.

Things I tried out already:
- A dozen fresh installs of Windows/Linux
- Removed BT/Wifi module on the mainboard
- Various mice
- Various keyboards
- Different power cables
- Different Monitor cables
- Different Routers / Resetted Routers
- Quitted my shady company job (long overdue anyway)

Tomorrow I'm getting 2 low end monitors, without any **** inside, hopefully. And hopefully the problem will be gone after that. If not then the last resort might be to sell everything and buy everything fresh.

Any idea is appreciated.

- Dennis
Registered Member
Also I noticed almost daily Flatpak package updates, which won't give me any version information though. It just says "Refresh of version 42". Are those regular updates and are they safe to update? (Noticed the double space? It just typed it itself.)

I always get a badfeeling when KDE neon wants me to update packages, but doesn't show me what version I currently have installed, and which version it's going to install. How are you guys handling this?


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