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Cannot Boot into Operating System from GNU on Dell Laptop

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Hi! I am a very, very new linux user who just recently made the switch to KDE Neon on a Dell XPS 15 laptop. The installation went seemingly fine, and I was using firefox for web browsing for a few days. Today, I finally deciding to install some other applications through synaptic. When I did, I noticed that none of my applications (stellarium, discover, etc.) would launch, so I decided to put my computer to sleep and troubleshoot the problem later. When I awakened my computer from sleep, I was confronted with the message stating "The screen locker is broken and updating is not possible anymore. In order to unlock it, switch to a virtual terimnal (eg Ctrl+Alt+F2), log in to your account and execute the command: loginctl unlock-session 7 Then log out of the virual sesion..." It seems to be a pretty common error message, but I was unable to log into the terminal and decided to reboot my computer to work on it later.

Now, I've fully rebooted my computer many times and cannot open any aspect of the software. Whenever I click the boot option for KDE Neon in the GNU, I am confronted with white text on a black screen displaying messages that lead to a failed reboot. Since nothing is able to boot, I am stuck and cannot enter the operaing system. The white text which prevents proper bootup are listed below.
psmouse serio1: elantech: elantech_send_cmd query 0x02 failed.
psmouse serio1: elantech: failed to query capabilities.
ACPI BIOS error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\.TZ.ETMD], AE_NOT_FOUND (20220331/psargs-330)
ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.IETM._OSC due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20220331/psparse-529)
followed by a bunch of bluetooth failed commands.

Nothing boots up, and, as I am quite new to Linux, I have no idea how to even begin fixing this problem. I am quite confused because this is almost a vanilla install of KDE Neon, yet somehow the entire OS is corrupted in a horrible way. Is there a way to fix this problem, or is KDE Neon permamently misconfigured on my computer? If it is, I probably will have to leave this distribution, as it seems to break way too easily.

Any and all help will be appreciated! I cannot access any part of the software and am currently limited to the GNU menu system. If you provide directions, please include it in a way that someone very unfamiliar with linux can understand. Thank you!
Registered Member
So your boot loader can boot Linux but after booting, and before entering KDE, it fails? It sounds like either your disk is bad, or your installation got corrupted another way. Your best bet will likely be to start over with a new installation. From personal experience, the ACPI BIOS errors are probably a red herring but you could enter your BIOS, reset it to defaults, and try booting again, just in case.


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