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Klassrooms now coming!

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Klassrooms now coming!

Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:19 pm
Ever wanted to contribute something to KDE?
But you didn't know how and what?

[size=large]Then this can be for you![/size]

A [thread=16220]poll on the KDE Forum[/thread] showed the clear tendency to provide "classrooms" to help people to get involved with KDE, either with coding or other tasks. Starting from there, we will provide "klassrooms", short tutorials/sessions to show in how many ways people can contribute to KDE. Examples include:

  • Coding
  • Writing documentation
  • Translating
  • Artwork
  • etc...

What is this about?
It is often heard that people are not fully aware of how they can contribute to KDE, even without programming skills. There are resources available about what can be done. But how?
With the klassrooms you get the help you need to become aware of how it works. We choose a specific topic, not a very big task, but nevertheless needed. And with following it you get the skills to make similar things in the future.

How will it work?
Basically there are mentors, which produce a starting point on which the participants can build up. This means specifying a target and how you can get to that point.
You can now discuss this together with the other students or the mentor.

The Klassrooms will be run for a short time only on a specific day. And as they are finished they will be closed.

We want to encourage as many people as possible to follow the klassrooms. As we will provide only a small amount of real tasks, the number of students actively participating will be limited. We will be providing additional user groups to wich interested students can approve. Of course we will provide an extra thread for normal discussions around that topic. And seeing the ongoing work is - of course - possible.

But you do not only participate, you can provide real solutions for real problems. So after the Klassroom has finished, you maybe have made your first contribution to KDE!

So be sure to apply to the klassroom as soon as it gets announced!

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