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Social Bookmarking

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Social Bookmarking

Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:12 pm
Hello members!

We now have a social bookmarks box just below every thread. You can find links to five popular bookmarking sites there. You can choose to select any one of them to submit a bookmark of the thread you are viewing.

How and when can I use it?
Have you come across a thread that you would like to share? In such cases, the social bookmarks are for you. To submit a bookmark to a specific site, say digg, you need to have a digg account registered (though some may accept anonymous tagging as well).

Why should I bookmark more and more?
The more you bookmark, the more people know about what you want to share. So go ahead and tag as many threads as you want!

Let's spread the word! :shade:

Have a good day
The KDE Forum Team


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