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Forum restructuring!

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Forum restructuring!

Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:48 pm
Hello, KDE Community Forums members!

During the past months, the user base has grown quite a lot, and so did the forums in response to the needs and requests. However, the current structure is not as organized as it could be, and presents overlapping or duplicated forums.

So what would be a solution? A restructure. But KDE being a community effort, it won't be a complete top-down approach. Everyone is invited to the #kde-forum channel, where a public discussion will take place to reorganize the forum structure.

Depending on the interest, we may also create special topics on the forum, so that people who are not on IRC can keep track of and participate in the discussion.

So, how do you participate in this endeavor?

The meeting will be held on Saturday July 25th at 8.00 UTC on the #kde-forum channel on the Freenode IRC network and will run for approximately two hours.

It's a chance to help the KDE Community and it doesn't involve any special skills. We'll be waiting for you on IRC, or in the forums.

Related discussion is welcome in the Forum and Feedback section.

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