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Help needed for

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Help needed for

Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:21 pm

The main KDE web page is getting renovated to present a brand new look and contents in time for the release of the upcoming Software Compilation 4.4 (9th February). The design and presentation part is going well, but there is also the need for new content.

What's needed, in particular, is a description of the applications that take part of the KDE Software Compilation: a huge task for a single person, but a very simple task for many.

The best about this is that you do not need anything special, you just need to have the application installed on your system!

If you are interested, here's what you can do:

  • Pick a program out of these batches
  • Fill in the information, such as description, features, etc. or add a screenshot. You don't have to add everything yourself, but the more, the merrier.

For screenshots, make sure you use the default look (Oxygen style, with comnpositing on so you get the glow) with Liberation Sans 9 as font. Make the screenshot against a white background, and keep approximately 20 pixels of distance between the window and the actual image (KSnapshot's region mode works wonders in this case) so you can also see the window glow.

As you can see, it's pretty easy. But even if easy, it'll be an important contribution for KDE. So don't hesitate, and hop in now!

For further information, check out this blog post:

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
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