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New Digikam windows v. 2.5 full of errors & constant crashes

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My OS: Windows 7
Tried to install windows ver. 2.5 of digikam on the D: drive and I got a constant error (after 3 different downloads) with a dll file at the very 1st few seconds of the install. I then installed it on the C: drive, where the OS is, and all installed fine (Definitely something not good about this).
Anyhow, once installed it would constantly crash--half the time it would not allow the kde error report to be sent. What was I doing during these crashes? I was putting tags on images. Here's what's strange: I place a tag on for ex. 3 images and all is ok, do the same again to other images and it would crash. Half the times nothing on the computer would work. I do a CTRL=Alt-Del. Click on 'task manager' and then close it without using it. and now my computer would be working again. But half the times (yes 1/2 not always) digikam would need to be closed and opened again. Other times it seemed as if all was ok but no matter what folder in the album you would click on nothing showed--no images. To see images I would either have to click again here and there (tags left menu for ex, then search) and then back to album) and all would be ok again. or I would need to restart the software. There is no pattern in these crashes: I could do tagging once or 2X or 3X with no problem. However I never did manage to go more than 3 tags.

An error message I would get only from time to time (even if I was not tagging) was 'Little cms error #300 Input file is operating on wrong color space. An other error I got but only twice, again possibly doing nothing but viewing images was: failed to create tables in database.

What I think may be helping in causing these errors are: my very slow computer, a joybook with only 2G of ram and this software seems to like a lot of everything.
also the work of tagging and viewing is from an external mini drive. I'm assuming this may be contributing since for ex, when I open a Word document from within that drive I can not save into it (even if I change its permissions manually).

Anyhow with the software crashing after 1 to 2 minutes of use again and again, I was considering to stop using it. And then I noticed something strange happening--as if the software was fixing itself--the crashes and error messages occurred less and less (though still occurring)--went to 3 minutes, then 4, then 5 (And nothing I did had changed, nothing.)
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KDE Developer
Can you specify where you got Digikam from? Is that installed from the kdewin-installer or from the self-contained installer from Please also check whether you have the path of other programs in your PATH variable which could collide with Digikam. If you have installed Digikam into C:\digikam, then try if putting C:\digikam\bin *before* all other entries into your PATH variable solves some of the issues?

SaroEngels, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.


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