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How do I configure NOFILE limit for konsole

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I'm having issues with running multiple LXC images that consume a large number of file descriptors due to the NOFILE limits.

I modified the /etc/sysctl.conf with the following:

fs.file-max = 8192

then ran the sysctl -p

I also edited the /etc/security/limits.conf with

* - nofile 8192

After I reboot, when I check /proc/sys/fs/file-max, I see that the 8192 is there. However, when I manually start and attach to LXCs in a terminal, I cannot run the loaded applications due to EMFILE errors after running too many LXC instances. If I try to manually modify the limits using

ulimit -n 4096


ulimit -n 4097

the 4096 is successful and the 4097 fails. I traced the PPIDs of the LXC back to ksonsole, and the /proc/<pid>/limits for konsole is Soft = 1024 and Hard = 4096. I've googled around for the way to modify the limits of konsole, but come up empty. Does anyone know the correct way to modify the limits of the konsole process?


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