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Wallpaper & Desktop Toolbox No Longer Displayed on 1 Monitor

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Apologies in advance that I will probably mess up some of the displays terminology.

What I have:
Up to date Fedora 31 on a dual monitor system using an NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 970 with the v440.44 proprietary driver.

What happened:
About a week ago I brought my system up to FC31 and got the latest drivers installed. Tweeked the displays a little in terms of the wallpaper. The wallpaper displayed the same on both monitors as I expected. There was a Desktop Toolbox on both monitors which seemed reasonable. I was able to get the "KDE Desktop Display Menu" (my term) on either monitor by right clicking with the cursor on an unoccupied part of the desktop. Again, what one would expect. The one monitor displays the KDE task bar (active program icons) along the bottom.

Where I am:
I noticed after a restart that the display with the task bar ("Left") no longer displayed the wallpaper and that the Desktop Toolbox is missing. Also, there is no response if I right click with the cursor on the Left display desktop. The Task Bar works fine and program windows work fine and can be dragged between the Left and Right display. The Right display is just as it was with the wallpaper and Desktop Toolbox.

For what it is worth, the Right display is the Linux primary text display. (ie on boot all the status messages scroll on it).

While I am not 100% sure when the display problem started relative to a software update, I did do a dnf update between the time the displays worked as expected and where I am at now.

Any suggestions on how to debug and correct this situation will be greatly appreciated!


Registered Member
Well, did a dnf update today and there were 200 odd updates. Now everything seems to be back to normal, ie wallpaper displayed on both displays, Desktop Toolbox on both displays, and right click working on both displays. Not sure what fixed the problem, but things appear to be now fixed.



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