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Problem adjusting the Window Decorations with Nvidia Drivers

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Hello everyone!

I'm quite new to using KDE and all that in general and installed Fedora KDE onto my computer.

As I have an Nvidia graphics card I also installed the Nvidia drivers through rpmfusion.

Now here's my problem: Whenever I try to adjust the window decorations in the appearance settings to some theme I downloaded, I get a black screen.
When I then reboot my system the new window decorations are selected but completely glitched. I don't have any icons and just a transparent bar at the top
of my different tabs.

I know that the window decorations I'm trying to use (Nord-Round-Aurorae) should work because I was able to use them on the nouveau drivers before.
I'm also able to at least change the colors to something custom so that's nice.

I really hope somebody can help me with this. I have no idea how to fix this (if it is even fixable) and apprechiate any responses :)


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