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Window positions not remembered after screen power saving

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Hi all,

I have a dual monitor setup, running kwin 5.23.2 (kwin_x11) and plasmashell 5.23.2. After my screens go to sleep and I wake them up again, all windows on the left screen are set to coordinate x=0 (the y position is kept) and on the right screen, all windows neatly align with the right side of the screen (again, y position is kept). I would actually expect all windows to just stay where they are. How can I configure that? I don't see that the "window placement" or any special rules for windows will help me, as they are about where windows open when an application is started (as far as I understood). I'm talking about windows which are already open and placed on the screen. How to make the stay where they are after waking up screens?

Thanks for your help in advance!



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