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KDE auto-rescaling when external monitor plugged/unplugged

Tags: screen scaling, monitor screen scaling, monitor screen scaling, monitor
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I'm new to Manjaro KDE.
I did some search on this subject, and found out that KDE scales screen content based on the parameter `ScaleFactor` in `[KScreen]` section. Therefore, I'm wondering is there an API to call my script when external monitor is detected/unplugged so that I can change the scale factor in the script.
Thank you!
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megumin wrote:I'm new to Manjaro KDE.
I did some search on this subject, and found out that KDE scales screen content based on the parameter `ScaleFactor` in `[KScreen]` section. Therefore, I'm wondering is there an API to call my script when external monitor is detected/unplugged so that I can change the scale factor in the script.
Thank you!

I normally disable KDE's KScreen: KDE settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Background Services -> KScreen. Then I control scaling with xrandr, in my case something like
Code: Select all
xrandr --output DP-4 --auto --output DP-1 --auto --scale 1.75x1.75 --right-of DP-4 --mode 1920x1200

which rescales my 1920x1200 monitor to work adequately with my unscaled 4K monitor.

I found most of this info I needed from, I just needed to additionally disable kscreen. (I don't use arch, but I do like their documentation).


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