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[System Settings] ttf-twemoji-color Font Doesn't Apply?

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I installed this emoji "font" and it doesn't apply in any of my applications (such as nheko or Discord).

After the installation is completed, a message in the terminal appears saying:
Code: Select all
To finish installation, update the default font in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/46-ttf-twemoji-color.conf to your system font,
and then copy or symlink the file into /etc/fonts/conf.d or ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d

SVG in OpenType (colour) fonts are currently only supported by Mozilla software. Other software will fallback to B&W glyphs.
Optional dependencies for ttf-twemoji-color
    ttf-bitstream-vera: default fallback font used for configuration

However, the message about color fonts only being supported by Mozilla software wasn't an issue when I had "noto-fonts-emoji" installed.
Opening the mentioned file doesn't exactly make this any clearer, but I symlinked it to /etc/fonts/conf.d anyway and found no difference.

My next guess was to go into the KDE System Settings and, following the Github page's comments about Linux installation and some comments in that file, I installed and set "ttf-bitstream-vera" as the default fonts like so:


but found that this didn't fix it either. :/

I'm at a loss as to how to proceed; I found a reddit post about the topic too that claims that Plasma and Gnome implement font priorities differently in a way that Gnome tends to pick certain font types over others that just so happens to pick colored emoji fonts like this and that Plasma's implementation does the opposite but whether or not this is true is both unknown to me and doesn't quite clear up how I'm supposed to solve the problem. :/

Last edited by Neko-san on Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I found that installing ttf-twemoji and not ttf-twemoji-color, then symlinking:
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sudo ln -sf /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/75-twemoji.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/75-twemoji.conf

worked, apparently.

A message shows up in the terminal after installation:
Code: Select all
  If you have other emoji fonts installed but want twemoji to always be used, make a symlink for twemojis font config:
  sudo ln -sf /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/75-twemoji.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/75-twemoji.conf

  You do not need to do this if you are fine with some apps using a different emoji font.

  If you do use other emoji fonts, copy 75-twemoji.conf to /etc/fonts/conf.d/ and remove corresponding aliases.

  To prevent conflicts with other emoji fonts, 75-twemoji.conf is not being automatically installed in /etc/fonts/conf.d/

I'm not entirely sure why but for some reason I thought there was supposed to be a big difference between the two (like one not being an emoji font? Idk, I'm tired) but this solved the issue. I then just re-installed noto-fonts-emoji to fill in the gaps for whatever ones were missing.


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