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KDE accessibility for screen readers

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Hi! I'm blind linux user who started with linux just few monts ago. For that time I tried a bunch of desktop environments with goal to find something for me. I noticed that many desktop environments (including KDE) don't provide many accessibility features and thats fine. It is not a problem to just go to the terminal and install orca. The problem starts when these desktop environments don't work well or even don't support screen readers at all. The best desktop environment for use with screen readers is gnome because almost anything is supported. I tried KDE and I actualy realy like the desktop, but I can't use it as my primary desktop because of bad screen reader support. Things like panels and most of menus work well, but essential apps like settings don't work at all. I think that is a problem. I think that KDE developers need to focus more on accessibility features like this and I will realy appreciate if anyone can do something about this in a future.


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