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Unable to Escalate

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Unable to Escalate

Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:41 am
Hey all so for some reason, KDE wont let me sudo from the graphical side of things. For package installs for instance. I can open Konsole and sudo to my little hearts content but not on the desktop. It says something about not providing proper authorization however the login box never pops up. Earlier I had a kernel update so when I restarted VMware popped up saying it needed to compile modules. Usually I proceed, get the sudo box, and all is well. When I did it this time, vmwares notification flashed off and back saying no authorization. So I went to konsole and sudo vmware and it worked fine. Closed vmware and loaded it with my user id and it is working. The only thing I can think that is different I did the last few days is I connected to my system using RDP from an ipad. It wouldnt load KDE but openbox. Could that have broke something?


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