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Wallpaper on Wayland: strange behavior

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I switched to Wayland a few weeks ago and except for some serious issues (e.g. zoom or the missing unify displays feature when giving presentations) I am quite happy.

One of the minor issues is a strange behavior of the Wallpaper. Sometimes KDEs default Wallpaper is shown after login or suspend and then after some time the Desktop turns black and the taskbar disappears for a split second and afterwards the Wallpaper is displayed and the taskbar reappears. I feels like some process has crashed but there is nothing in the logs.

Is this a known phenomena? It is not a serious problem but it makes me worry how stable KDE is on Wayland.
Registered Member
I'm wondering if this is similar to what I'm experiencing, but it happens when the wallpaper changes automatically. In "Configure Desktop & Wallpaper" I have it set to "Slideshow" (change every 30 minutes, same result no matter the Order), and this is exactly what happens every time the wallpaper changes—the background turns black, my bottom panel (the only panel I have) goes away, the next wallpaper loads, then the panel reappears and icons load thereon and shoot into place. This all takes place in the span of about 2 to 3 seconds. This doesn't happen when I right-click on the desktop and click "Next Wallpaper Image."


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