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How to list all active shortcuts?

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How to list all active shortcuts?

Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:34 pm
Hi, everyone!

I'm super new to KDE (I come from Gnome or Openbox+tint desktops) and I'm very happy with it so far!

I want to list all my active shortcuts, so I can better learn them. I tried with the following code, that I found here in the forum, somewhere else:
Code: Select all
qdbus org.kde.kglobalaccel /component/kwin org.kde.kglobalaccel.Component.shortcutNames

Unfortunately, it doesn't show the correspondent keyboard combinations, just the names of the related task. There is no --help flag in kglobalaccel command, and I'm not super savvy to understand the API that I found online.

I just want a simple way to show/print/list all available and active shortcuts, similar to the ObKeys for Openbox… Later, I'll bind that command to a keyboard shortcut and have them at hand easily.

Info on my system:
  • Operating System: Arch Linux
  • KDE Plasma Version: 5.26.5
  • KDE Frameworks Version: 5.102.0
  • Qt Version: 5.15.8
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.89-1-lts (64-bit)
  • Graphics Platform: X11
  • Processors: 16 × AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
  • Memory: 15.6 GiB of RAM
  • Graphics Processor: NV167
  • Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Product Name: B450M H
Registered Member
Hahaha...I was trying to get a shortcut pipemenu in the jgmenu I made for kde. But um...I reconsidered since there are so many ( I use Bismuth as well), the pipemenu would be insane. Furthermore, they're spread allover the place. Anywho, you'll find most in ~/.config/kglobalshortcutsrc.
However, there's a better way. If you go to system settings>shortcuts, you can export the shortcuts in a text file format. Here's a part of such an exported file as an example:

[kwin][Global Shortcuts]
Activate Window Demanding Attention=Meta+Ctrl+A
Decrease Opacity=
ExposeAll=Ctrl+F10; Launch (C)
Increase Opacity=
Invert Screen Colors=
KWin Script: Sticky Window Snapping: enable/disable=Meta+Shift+S
KWin Script: Sticky Window Snapping: enable/disable temporarily=Ctrl+Shift+S
Kill Window=Meta+Ctrl+Esc
Setup Window Shortcut=
Show Desktop=Meta+D
Suspend Compositing=Alt+Shift+F12

Yeah, if you're an OB user...kde can be a mess at times.I've been doing OB for 17 years-ish and sometimes think that rocksolid and finished openbox still easily beats the **** out of those desktops. I'm tellin' ya. At some point I thought how to get a damn rightclick menu on this. Jgmenu ( maybe rofi too) is about as close as it gets. But then you look at the resource usage.....(check out that last one ;D ;D ) The first one is jgmenu on kde and that one supports openbox pipemenus.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.
Registered Member
Thanks, @dzon!!!

You are totally right: OB is marvellous <3. However, KDE is pretty amazing too.

Sorry about this little disgression:
About pipe jgmenu menus, you can see Mabox (which is also a fantastic distro!) where the dev makes a wonderful job with jgmenu and rofi, and conkys.

I'll try just solution and report back.
Registered Member
I'm not really really a fan of DE's. But, imho, kde is the best one. Well, for now at least. If someone starts picking up efl....If I recall correctly, the solus people will redo their budgie in E.
Yes, Mabox' devs have done a really good job. Although I've had most of the stuff for many years ( more, like cornerbindings, overview, tiling etc..), as a openbox "distro" (hate that word) it's very well done. Myself, I've always done cores of something. Debian, with or without systemd and built up from scratch so to speak. Hence those low resources. Btw, that last one in those screenshots wasn't debian. That one was one of the most amazing "distros" I've ever seen, Slitaz. If I recall, the iso was about 130mb and packed a full lxdesktop. It booted around 40mb. I took out the lx part and ran it as a bang. Booted at 28mb. Blazing fast. You had puppy and then you had..slitaz. Slitaz, 2013: 🤣
But um...if you should want to use jgmenu in kde, it's perfectly possible as you can see, even with openbox pipemenus. However, I have no idea how on earth to pipe a menu to the shortcuts of plasma. I have an openbox pipe to do just that...on openbox, but the structure to register keybinds on plasma is a different beast. Can't help you with that.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.


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