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I tried to fina a solution in internet, but didn't found.
I would like to change color shemes of my applications from terminal. To make a script to apply specific colorschemes for dark and light theme. For example, I have different colorshemes for some applications: https://i.imgur.com/bdzSl0E.png And I would like to make a script to change their color schemes to that: https://i.imgur.com/AeI4Gwd.png |
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Well, I doubt it can be done by terminal only. So yeah, you'll need a script, but it won't be easy. As you can see in the first screenshot, although the color scheme overall is set to a light one, the browser and the audacious player are dark. That is not done by assigning a color scheme to a specific application. In the case of the Brave browser, being a gtk app, it's done by running it with a theme variable. Like so: Exec=env GTK_THEME=oomox-Doenker2_ /usr/bin/brave-browser-stable %U. The Audacious player however, being a qt app, is set by running a Qt style variable, in this case, a kvantum one. Like so: QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum audacious %U. There is no way you can set a specific application to run a specific color scheme as such. Except ! If you place the color scheme in the app.rc. In the second screenshot for example, you'll see Kate using the Breeze dark color scheme. So if you want to implement it in a script, you need a way to add ( and maybe replace/remove) a color scheme to a certain app.rc. As for now, a simple qt style override cannot do color schemes. https://imgur.com/a/utifKgQ
So, from what I can tell, I assume Jetbrains is a gtk app ( although I've seen some qt in discover) and if you want to run it in (from what I can tell) Arc or Qogir Dark, you'll need to run it as what I said before, Exec=env GTK_THEME=........ That is, provided you have one of those themes installed of course. In terms of gtk, that's a way to run a specific theme regardless to what your gtk is set in system settings.
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