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Disable tooltips or informative popup in Krusader

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Krusader is a fine file manager, but the black pop-ups covering 25% of my file view window is a long standing annoyance. A tool tip is fine, but a complete description which blocks everything else I am looking for is not my idea of helpful.

There seems to be no option in Krusader to switch this off. Various forum posts state that this should be turned off in System Settings -> Workspace -> General Behaviour.

Even when I do this against the cost of loosing all my tooltips everywhere, even then they are not turned off.

How can I remove those giant black pop ups blocking my view?
Registered Member
It has been answered somewhere else in this forum as well.
Because it is not that easy to find I add the answer here anyway.

Settings -> Configure Krusader
Choose Panel in the left column
In Panel settings go to the View tab
Set the Tooltip delay (ms) to a negative value

If you right click on the label (Tooltip delay (ms)) you see a context menu "What's this?"
In the explanation it is specified that a negative value disables the tooltips completely.
But it is not obvious, I got it from the source code.


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