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How are system notifications supposed to work?

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I'm trying to understand (and make it behave more to my tastes) how are the system notifications supposed to work. For a moment I'm stuck with some events triggering a notifications - and most important for a moment, play sound (konsole plays a bell sound, kmail plays new mail notification, system login/shutdown sounds are played), and some (most) actions that according to the configuration should play sounds does not (no sound on question, warning or error windows etc.).

When I try to investigate what messages are passed via dbus I get the correct messages passed in both cases, but only some of these messages trigger phonon to play sounds. It looks like the working notifications are these that are defined as application level notifications and not working are those defined as system notifications triggered by certain applications not by KDE itself (login/logout works fine, but error/warnig/questions registered by doplhin, krusader etc. does not).

Is it something I'm missing, something in my configuration or maybe it's some obscure bug showing itself only on my systems?

PS. I use KDE 4.2.2 compiled from Gentoo packages on two different machines with the same effects.


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