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How is KAuth integration going?

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How is KAuth integration going?

Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:22 am
What I'd really love to see in KDE is the ability to:

-open a root-owned file in normal-user Kate, then edit it, hit Save and be presented a nice PolicyKit dialog saying I need to specify the administrator password

-be able to move/delete files in normal-user Dolphin - after an attempt of changing anything in root-owned files (like renaming) be presented with PolicyKit dialog for password and the ability to select a checkbox for "Remember password until this program closes"

Of course this doesn't only apply to Kate and Dolphin, but these are the apps I use most of the time, and it really isn't handy having to launch them by "kdesu...".

So, I was happy as hell to see that Kauth got integrated into KDE: ... o-kdelibs/

But, as I assume, this is only the first step. Now the KDE apps need to be ported to use the new system, because, as far as I know, they won't start "magically working" with the new framework automatically, am I right?.

The question is - is anyone working on that? At least on the major and most-used KDE apps. IMHO, it should be the absolute top-priority matter, because (at least for me) it's a gigantic improvement for the users' convenience, and it would be great to see it come in KDE 4.4.
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Re: How is KAuth integration going?

Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:24 am
Just read that comment:
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We’re gonna do better. We will integrate this into KIO, so that every KDE component will take advantage of it without even knowing that.

So it looks even better than I thought :D

And is there any word about the current status of the Kauth KIO integration? I already feel glad to see someone takes this seriously, but just wonder if it'd be possible to see in KDE 4.4, or possibly 4.4.x .
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Re: How is KAuth integration going?

Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:06 am
Unfortunately I do not know of KAuth's status at this time, with regards to KIO integration, however drf__ in #policykit-kde will likely know.

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