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Klipper: how to control which item selected?

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I would like to know how to use DBus to control which Klipper item is selected.

As you know, when I click on the Klipper icon in the system tray, it displays a history of the last few (10, in my case) items I copied to the clipboard. If, say, I highlight "abc" then Ctrl-C (say, in Kate) and then highlight "def" then Ctrl-C, then the first item in the history listed is "def" and the second item is "abc". Sometimes there is a checkmark next to one of the items.

If I then paste (say, with Ctrl-V), the item that is pasted is the one that shows the checkmark. However, sometimes there is no checkmark, and this causes a problem.

In my particular case, I am using a hotkey to run a script to put certain string (a customized non-standard timestamp) into Klipper with DBus. If you want to know the exact command, it is:
Code: Select all
qdbus org.kde.klipper /klipper org.kde.klipper.klipper.setClipboardContents "$CLIPTEXT" 2>/dev/null

When I do this, pasting (with Ctrl-V or clicking on the paste icon or whatever) fails to paste the correct string, and instead pastes an earlier item. When I click on the system tray Klipper icon to show the history, it shows the correct history with the customized timestamp at the top, but there is no checkmark. Once I click on the item to put a checkmark there, the pasting works correctly.

My question is: is there a way to put a checkmark there with DBus so I can automate this from a script? Is there something like "setCheckmarkPositionInKlipperHistory" or some sort of DBus function I can call?

If there is not, would the KDE developers agree that this would be a useful function? (Presumably this function already exists internally but if it's not accessible by DBus, you could make it accessible?)

Thanks for any help you can give.


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