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Dual-Monitor + Widget placement

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Dual-Monitor + Widget placement

Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:56 pm
Hello community,

depending on where I am, i have one of the following setups:

*) laptop + external monitor to the left
*) laptop + external monitor to the right
*) laptop alone

I switch between this configurations using disper[1] and a self-written bash script. Disper can print a list of connected monitors (disper -l), the script parses this output and does "the right thing"(tm). This works very well.

However, what does *not* work, is the correct placement of desktop widgets. I have a system-monitor, the calendar, and the desktop-folder widget on my desktop, and I would like them to be in the correct place, ... wherever this is in the different configurations.

For example:

The system monitor should be in the lower right corner of any external monitor. If there is no external monitor, it should be in the lower right of the laptop monitor.

Any ideas on how to do this? Is it possible to move widgets from the commandline?

Best regards, Wolfgang


PS: I use Kubuntu 10.10 with KDE 4.5.1


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