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Dolphin, udisks and encrypted partitions

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Hi! I'm currently running KDE 4.5.5 (on a Fedora 14 machine). An upgrade to 4.6.5 has been available in the repo for a while now, but I've been holding that of for a couple of reasons, one of which is the following. I have a number of encrypted partitions that are unlocked during boot by entries in /etc/crypttab such as this:
Code: Select all
# /dev/sdb2
luks-Media                                UUID=8f4b50d8-162f-4ae0-b4dc-d9bd4049ef38 none

And mounted with corresponding lines in /etc/fstab:
Code: Select all
/dev/mapper/luks-Media                                /mnt/Media              ext4    defaults,noatime  0 0
Code: Select all
LABEL=Media                                /mnt/Media              ext4    defaults,noatime  0 0

The volume inside the encrypted container has a label ('Media'),and the unlocked and mounted partition show up as such in dolphin:Image

However, after upgrading, the new KDE version will show all my encrypted partitions as 'XXX GiB Encrypted Container'.


I find this very annoying because I don't know which drive is which anymore. And learning this would be difficult considering it is not uncommon for me to resize the volumes (sometimes even to equal sizes).

I suspect that this has to do with the fact that KDE switches from HAL to udisks between these two versions, even though 'udisks --dump' shows that udisks is still aware of the correct labels (also shown from the fact that I can mount by LABEL= in fstab). Does anyone else have a similar experience? Any solutions?



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