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Advanced tile/dock usage in KDE ?

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Advanced tile/dock usage in KDE ?

Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:48 pm
Hi 2 all, I've just switched to KDE, KUbuntu, one of the reasons was a tab layout and windows rules, so I've got all skype windows and chats in one tabbed window.

Question 1 - I want to have a docked skype window(windows with tabs) on the right side of the screen, say 300px width. So when firefox is maximized I sould have a default panel, a skype and firefox. I've tried to make a new panel and put it to the right edge - that didnt work, maxmized window overlapped the just created panel. I've thought about setting the default position and so on - still no luck.

Question 2 - I like the tiling layout, but I would like to have tiling on desktop 1 and no tiling on desktop 2. Can I subscribe on desktop change event
and turn on / turn off tiling ? That's because I use desktops for different tasks (code editor, firefox, firebug) and want to get some control.

Question 3 - Tabs are really cool, but also I want to have a window container. May be next explanation is a bit better - imagine that there are 3 windows which are just containers for whole virtual desktops. And I want to put some windows on different ,well, areas. So there is a main area, where I have windows for one activity, and there are auxilary areas for other activities. How can I create a simple app which is just a container for other application windows ?

I see that widgets are quite popular in the whole KDE - so can I run the whole app inside a widget or make a virtual desktop as a widget? I've found an example of console inside the widget, and that is pretty useful (but Dolphin has embedded console as well)

Thank you!
And I've tried xmonad,awesome and ratpoison - so should I give up with KDE(googled and tried to set windows behaviour for last 2 days)?
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I'd like to see scenario 1 & 2 supported in KDE.

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