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Widgets overlapping

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Widgets overlapping

Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:18 am
I added a timer widget and weather widget to the task bar. Now they overlap each other and I cannot use either nor can I click on them to delete them. How do I get rid of them or at least use them? Here is a link to a screen capture of the problem.
h t t p s:// ... JiY2RlYzUz

Remove the spaces in the name to get the correct url. On the extreme right of the toolbar you will see text overlapping. Those are the icons I added.

If you need any more information, please let me know and be specific as to how to get it. I am not that familiar with Fedora.

os Fedora FC16_64 bit
Intel dual core E8400 processor
8 gb memory
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Re: Widgets overlapping

Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:53 am
kde version might be relavent, found a similar bug report for 4.5.x but only 2 posts and only for 4.5.5

can you left click the cashew? if so can you move the widgets

if you remove the widgets to the left do the overlapping widgets no longer overlap?

if you don't have much time invested in configuring the plasma destkop you could reset it to it's defaults
kquitapp plasma-desktop
sleep 20s
mkdir -p $HOME/plasma-config/
mv $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/config/plasma-desktop* $HOME/plasma-config/
plasma-desktop &

you can edit the plasma-desktop-appletsrc file and remove the 2 widgets but its probably a bit tricky, you'll need to id the containment (in my system it's (the panel) number 3) then the applets and each applet might have 2 or more sections and obviously you could make things worse

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

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Re: Widgets overlapping

Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:50 pm
The more I use KDE 4.6 , the more confused I get. I was able to click the cashew and open the settings. I was able to grab a corner of one of the icons. From this I was able to delete it. I tried to get the other one but couldn't. By clicking on it, it opened and was a configuration screen for the Weather widget I tried to add. Further fussing and I was able to delete it too. I then discovered that I could change to width of the panel. I then tried to add back the weather widget. When I click add Widget, I get 4 choices - Add Folder, KGet Barchart applet, KGet Piechart applet, and World Clock. What happened to the ones I had before? I had changed to Application Launcher to the old format. I tried to get the Settings one back but couldn't figure out which one to use. I tried to change back to the new view and lost Application Launcher altogether. I got a message but I missed what it said. It flashed by so quickly. I tried to reset the desktop to the defaults per your directions. The first 4 steps went ok. The last one - plasma-desktop & - failed with command not found. I managed to reboot and still no plasma. I don't know what desktop I have. The screen has no icons and it is the one with the underwater scene with the sub in the upper right corner and the fish below it. Right clicking on it does nothing. There is nothing to left click on. Top left corner is Application and Places. The applications are there under applications. I am now totally confused. I can run Firefox by Applications - System tools - Dolphin. In Dolphin I can go to $home/Desktop and launch Firefox from there. I am now totally confused.
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Re: Widgets overlapping

Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:08 pm
it sounds like plasma-desktop is not being run at startup and that's why you see no icons and I'm guessing panel either

in konsole run:
which plasma-desktop
it should respond with /usr/bin/plasma-desktop, if not there could be something wrong with your install. try running /usr/bin/plasma-desktop (or whatever is returned by the which command using the full path) in konsole

you can revert to what you had with:
mv $HOME/plasma-config/* $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/config/

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

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Re: Widgets overlapping

Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:17 pm
re: the lack of widgets shown, did you recently do an upgrade or something that could have messed up your KDE installation?

can you add or login as a different user and see if it also experiences these problems

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

Registered Member

Re: Widgets overlapping

Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:04 pm
Here is the output from the first command.

which plasma-desktop
/usr/bin/which: no plasma-desktop in (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/vince/bin)

Based on this, the second one returns

[vince@Vince ~]$ plasma-desktop
bash: plasma-desktop: command not found

As for update/upgrade, no, I did not change anything. It started when I tried to add widgets to the panel.

As for rebooting, I have not tried a different user. I did notice that I did not have the option to choose a desktop.

I am thinking about putting the FC16 dvd back in and doing a rescue to see if that fixes it. Or is there a way to have yum try to fix it?
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Re: Widgets overlapping

Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:44 pm
plasma-desktop should be in the kdebase-workspace package

if you run in Konsole
rpm -ql kdebase-workspace|grep /usr/bin/plasma-desktop
the result should be

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

Registered Member

Re: Widgets overlapping

Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:59 pm
Somehow I think I may have uninstalled KDE. I tried the rpm command and it returned nothing. Used yum to reinstall kdebase-workspace. Yum said it was not installed. I don't know how I did that. Anyway, I am using Yumex and putting back kde and things associated with it. When it finishes, I will reboot and see where I stand.
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Re: Widgets overlapping

Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:57 pm
I am back functioning again with KDE. I reinstalled it and the things that go with it. When I rebooted, I had the option to pick a desktop. I picked kde plasma and things seem back to normal. I think I am missing some things but I will have to wait and see. One thing that I do notice missing is the countdown widget that I tried to place on a panel along with a weather widget. I have found a different weather one, but I haven't looked for the countdown one yet.

With that, I believe that this is closed. I am still going through the user guide and 'By guess and by golly' configuration things to see what I can and cannot do. Interesting but frustrating at the same time.

So how does the whole thing get closed with 'Trouble went away when KDE reinstalled'?


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