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Hi all,
First off, I don't have the actual version of KDE for when this happens, I'm on a windows box writing this, suffice to say it's a Gentoo box and kept relatively up to date. Now onto the problem. A few days ago I fired up my linux box and low and behold, after logging in, I was faced with the default screen config with the default wallpaper, a task bar with no tasks etc. No wallpaper showing my dog doing something silly, no start thingy with all my apps etc. I've looked in ~/.kde4/share/config and all of the files in there look correct, they have a range of dates dating back to when the box was built and a random viewing of contents shows stuff I would expect. I found this bug, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=254884, and had a look at the two mentioned files, plasma-desktop-appletsrc & plasma-desktoprc. plasma-desktop-appletsrc:
The listed bug mentions activityID's and viewID's so I had a look at that. [Containments][1] has the entry but no pair value, the same for [10]. On the other hand [14] & [15] does. As a test I backed up the two files, deleted mentions of [10], [14] & [15], the same in [viewIds] in plasma-desktoprc and rebooted. The entries came back. I don't know enough about the inner workings of KDE to work this out. Looking at the first file, [Containments][1] would appear to be my original config, it has all the extra bits whilst the others are quite bare. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could fix this problem? Regards, Andrew p.s. The [AppletGlobals][plasma_applet_launcher] section of the first file looks wrong, all of the App= entries with no pair - is this correct? |
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Check "kde4-config --path config"
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Thanks for the reply. I checked "kde4-config --path config" and got: ~/${HOME}/.kde4/share/config;/usr/share/config I had a look at the files in /usr/share/config and they all look alright - contents seems OK and so does the creation dates. Andrew |
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There's your problem - $HOME is doubled, ie. assuming your username is "bluey" and ~ is "/home/bluey" KDE looks for settings in /home/bluey/home/bluey/.kde4/share/config This paths structure was either created at compile time or set through $KDEHOME but kde4-config would normally print "/home/bluey/.kde4/share/config" What's the output of
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Sorry, a combination of it being about 5:00 am when I wrote the original reply and too much dark chocolate means I typed the wrong thing. I've rechecked the output and it is correct, home is not repeated. I even performed the command, then cut and pasted the output to cd and it went into the correct dir's. $KDEHOME is not defined, a quick google reveals that to be the expected behaviour because I have not overloaded it, A funny thing has happened though. I was checking the "repeated homes" problem and my mouse happened to move over the bottom of the LHS display. I run a twinhead config with the task bar on autohide on the left screen up the top, and the task bar popped up. I checked it and all of the entries are there so one thing has come back, but other stuff, wall papers, task bar posi etc, are still missing/incorrect. Andrew |
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Yes, this is correct. Those entries are to remember all installed applications (i.e. .desktop files) for the "Recently Installed" submenu, where new entries are shown for 3 days. If a new one is seen, an entry in the config file is created with the current date/time, and then after 3 days that date/time is removed to not have to compare the dates for all entries all the time. An empty value therefore means: "this application is known and should not be shown in "Recently Installed". Your actual problem sounds to me like Plasma chose the wrong/a different activity on startup, or even created a new one. Might be related to this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=315192 Have you tried switching between activities? Maybe remove all activities that you don't use/need anyway. This shouldn't have any influence on the panels though, as those are configured globally for all activities.
A containment is one containtainer element, like a desktop or the panel. There is a separate desktop Containment for each activity. In your case [Containments][1] is the panel, i.e. the bar at the bottom where the K-Menu, task manager, system tray and digital clock are located. [Containments][10] is a second panel, which seems to be empty. [Containments][14] and [Containments][15] are the actual desktop configurations, one for each activity. Both seem to be empty as well, except for a wallpaper configuration on 15. Strange enough, both seem to refer to the _same_ activity, so definitely something went wrong. Maybe kactivitymanagerd got stuck/crashed/is not working, or something like this? Anyway, what is your actual problem now? IIUYC, the main problem is that the panel is just empty, correct? Try to just remove that empty panel (right-click on it, choose "Panel Settings"->"Remove this panel"), and the standard one might reappear (it might just be hidden by the empty one, although if I read the plasma-desktop-appletrc correctly _both_ should show). Since your panel config looks quite standard anyway, you could also just remove the config and let plasma recreate a fresh default one at next startup. So quit plasma with "kquitapp plasma-desktop" (or do the following in a different DE or text mode), and then remove in ~/.kde4/share/config/: plasma-desktoprc, plasma-desktop-appletsrc and probably also activitymanagerrc. PS: You should never edit plasma's configuration files directly when plasma is running. Your changes are not respected and even overwritten again by plasma. |
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Just looking at the files you posted - plasma-desktop-appletsrc seems to have some content from another file in there... can you try removing that outside of KDE? (ie. without Plasma Desktop running)
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
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I've had a similiar issue with KDE desktop customisations for years. I've been using the following method since 2009:
#1 customise the desktop #2 chmod 400 ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc If there is a better fix to stop the desktop resetting and wallpapers from disappearing, I'd be keen to find out. Thanks. |
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