I'm having a weird problem with the plasma-nm applet on my desktop. As you can see on the image below there is a tiny square above the red icon, which is the applet.
I've searched any kind of conf file where the size could be set but I haven't found anything yet. Btw the size of the destkop bar doesn't change anything so I made it big for the screenshot.
So for the moment I use wifi-menu but it's really painful to do it at every startup. So if anyone know how to fix the applet size ?
(Or at least to make network connexion less painful but it's not really the good place for that)
try editing the plasma config file or reseting the desktop
to edit existing:
make sure plasmashell is not running, kill if necessary
backup then edit file ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
look for and then delete multiple consecutive sections starting with [Containments][n][Applets][nn], the first one should have the line plugin=org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement
restart KDE or plasmashell
to reset:
make sure plasmashell is not running, kill if necessary
rename or move ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc
Okay so I did both but even resetting everything didn't fix it.
Maybe the size is fixed in nm-applet conf but I can't find it anywhere. I've also noticed by resetting that the battery & light popup window size has changed, but I have never changed it (at least not on purpose) so I'm begining to wonder if there aren't any key strokes that could resize kde applets, like a quick touchpad + Meta glitch (kind of)
Well I saw that coming so I just droped it on the desktop and used the resize tool to make it huge. What happened is that the usual icon disappeared and the dialog that usually opens up over the desktop bar appeard inside the box. So by resizing over and over and puting it back to the plasmashell I got this :
For the red thing, my theory is that it is red when the network manager service is not.
Ok so it's fixed. I am a bit confused because I don't really know how.
But I know what happend :
- So few months ago, I deleted the 'miniature box' (in french it is 'boite à miniature') in which are sound applet, battery applet and other. - Resetting the plasmashell made the defaut conf appear. So there was a new miniature box. - I was stuck on trying to drag and droppe the nm-applet in it but this wouldn't work so in the configuration window of the box I tried to but the Apply button was disabled. - Eventually this button enabled for some (still unknown) reasons so the applet appeared in the box and worked perfectly well.
Hooray for the good sized network applet !
I suppose that the applet, outside the miniature box, has a pretty weird resizing behavior, should I report this somewhere like nm-applet developpe page or something ?