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This is something that was talked about. At most, I can add a pie with the percentage on the icon.
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Like it was mentioned before, it would be really nice to have an option for reducing icon sizes, or to be more precise a row size.
![]() If you look at this picture, it is clear that one row takes much more space than it should, even with current icon size. It would also be nice if Lancelot would follow plasma theme look. Selection square looks a bit out of place compared to the rest of the plasma. But then again you probably wouldn't be able to use your nice 'no clicking' features with standard plasma parts. Don't get me wrong, Lancelot is by far the best launcher in KDE, i just wanted to give some of my humble opinions on how you could improve upon it. PS. Could you point me to the place from where I could download your latest lancelot development code? |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
The size will maybe become changeable but it will not have UI for configuration. The size adapts to the size of the menu - items get expamded if there are not that much of them, and compressed (up to a point) when there is more items. If there's too much of them, then they have some in-between size and the scrollbar is enabled.
In trunk, L's items now use the same background as other plasma item-views like folder view or krunner even with the sliding animation. You have the download instructions at http://lancelot.fomentgroup.org/download The only-lancelot installation is a bit difficult now - it is separated into 3 modules - two libraries and the menu and applets. So, the easiest way is to compile the whole kdeplasma-addons package. I'm not sure whether the trunk is compilable against kdebase/kdelibs from 4.4 though. Cheerio |
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Dunno if this has been mentioned before, but can we have an option to re-organize the menus by alphabetical order? It's becoming a pain to manually arrange everything after installing a new program.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Lancelot uses the sorting that is according to the FDO specifications, just like the other menus. The sorting option, as far as I'm concerned, should be global - either in KMenuEdit or somewhere else.
There was a bug in the sorting mechanism before (before 4.2 I think), so all menus sorted according to the name instead of using the same order as KMenuEdit and there were *a lot* of bug reports that KDE doesn't follow FDO specs. Now it is fixed and we're in compliance with the rules. |
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Hello, I didn't read all pages of this topic, so if these things had been told... very sorry.
There is only two simple things, that annoys me. I've placed Lancelot in a left auto-hiding panel. When I click on the icon, the whole lancelot menu stands above the panel, so I can't simply close the lancelot menu with clicking again the widget's icon. And the second one: this lancelot hidding scroll effect...it will be great if it's possible to edit/disable it. The best solution, I think, is would be if lancelot show/hide effect be just like the enabled open/close effect from System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects. Regards from the balkans ![]() |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
The sliding effect is named "Sliding popups" - it affects all plasma popups, Lancelot included. As for the auto-hidden panel, I'll check it out - I've never really used auto-hide, so bugs are to be expected sometimes ![]() Cheerio neighbour ![]() |
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Argh! My mistake...didn't even know about this effect. Thanks.
The strange thing is that this issue is available only if the auto-hidden panel is vertical(either left or right). I hope the screenshot below will help... ![]() |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
I know the reason behind this error*. I'm just thinking of the best way to deal with it.
* Lancelot tries to move itself so the the "border" between the section buttons and the main window contents comes closer to the mouse. I don't want to remove this feature, but since it doesn't work with the vertical panels I'll have to make some hack to deal with it ![]() |
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I have a problem with lancelot in that it keeps on adding menu entries for non-existent directories, specifically templates and library directories for an application I uninstalled a long time a go (krosswordpuzzle). They get added to the computer section.
Where is the config file located so that I can delete these entries and does it use a backup somewhere, hence the reappearance of these non-existent entries.
openSuse 12.1 64-bit, Tumbleweed, KDE 4.7.2
Vas |
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Launch kmenuedit and delete the items. Lancelot uses the same mechanism as the rest of KDE does.
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I have a suggestion for a feature. It might have been mentioned before, but I couldn't find it. In the favorites section it would be useful if there were displayed recently most used applications, like in Windows XP menu. I'm used on this feature from XP and I think it is useful. I would implement it like this: 1) Let the user decide how many items will be shown. 0 will disable the feature. 2) Decide, which are the most used application. One algorithm I can think of is to sort the items by "used in last days"*2+"used last week"+"used last month"/2. Of course don't display items which are already in favorite section. Also is there any possibility to sort items in the favorite list? Thank you. |
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I saw the changes done to the section buttons planned for kde 4.5 and the option to make them smaller. The way you make them smaller is to turn them 40 degrees and make them smaller. This way the icons a laying instead of standing and you have to tilt your head to see them as they are and to read the text. It is probably not a problem, but it isn't visually nice.
What about giving the option to remove the icon text and just use the icons? Either way the icons should be standing! |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
I'm not sure when, but sometime in the future, the favourites will be based on usage statistics and user's manual preferences. There is currently some work being done on making a kde-workspace-wide library to handle the favourites. When it is done, Lancelot (and others) will use it. As for the reordering of the favourites, unlock the plasma desktop, open the menu and just drag and drop. @dajomu Yes, the vertical tabs "problem". I haven't met anyone who needs to rotate his (or hers) head in order to be able to read vertical text. And, anyhow, hiding the text is even worse than rotating it - no one could read it then. As for rotating the icons back, that is probably a good idea. |
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All I wanted was to have the option to remove icon-text. If I can manage the back/forward, refresh, stop and home button in firefox without icon-text, I and others could do the same for the section buttons.
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