![]() KDE Developer ![]()
I'll see about the /only icon/ mode... not promising anything though ![]() As for the theme, see: http://ivan.fomentgroup.org/blog/2008/1 ... -lancelot/ Maybe there could be a Lancelot item in the /special settings/ but that is not my area... I think that jamboarder did that configuration dialogue. |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
I have two wishes:
1)If you search an application and lancelot doesn't find it, something appear in the result saying: No matches found I think that should be better that No matches found start something like: search the unknown app on the web, or start the package manager or something else. 2) No click-activation. I think it would be better to use a differet method to start app. I find difficulties every time to go on the play button and wait an half second for starting app. I think that should be better that if you leave the pointer on the found app a timer start and after an half of second or less the app start. You can use a nice fading effect. Imagine a big play button that appears on the selected app and fades every mseconds that go on. When the fading is complete the app start. Sorry for my english. Ask if you like my idea or if you don't understand something. |
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
1) not a bad idea, I'll pass it to the KRunner people (L uses the KRunner for search)
2) Starting applications just by hovering (and waiting) is out of the question. See http://lancelot.fomentgroup.org/vision |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Hello, let me start by saying that Lancelot is a great menu
![]() I had some small gripes with it, but most of them you say will be fixed, so there's only these two now (unless they've been mentioned too and I missed them): 1)Small bug: Clicking on "switch user" works the first time, but it says "search string empty" every time later. To have the option appear again you have to edit the search line. 2)It might just be that I'm silly, but I can't find the "Sleep" and "Hibernate" options anywhere... 3)Currently, in the applications menu, categories have a small height but launchers have double that height. I think they should both be the same size, and there should be an option to pick if they'll be big or small. For launchers with a name and description, small buttons should just show the program's name. And a suggestion concerning the "contacts" menu: As the messaging clients are many, and the reasons people might like one more than all others are many too, couldn't it be done so that people can make their own Lancelot plugins to display contacts? That way someone who can (or the devs themselves if they wanted) could add support for their own messenger. In any case, keep up the good work ![]()
Last edited by zalbor on Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
1) It is a known bug that I totally forgot about :blushed:
![]() 2) At the moment, it is like in other menus and lock/logout applet - logout opens the shutdown dialogue which should contain suspend options (hibernate and sleep - suspend to disk / suspend to ram) 3) The reason is that most of the time applications need double space - because of the name and description, and the categories don't need it, so this is no to having the categories larger. As for making the /more compressed/ list of apps (wo the descriptions), I'll think about it with a high chance of resulting in 'yes' ![]() 4) Yes, the plugins are planned Thanks ![]() |
![]() Registered Member ![]()
Thanks for the reply
![]() Regarding 2, I only get "log out", "turn off" and "restart" in that menu, but as it doesn't have to do with you I'll keep looking into it. |
![]() Moderator ![]()
Now this is probably planned, but I just want to check in which stage of development it is.
Or maybe it's a bug... I was playing around with Lancelot parts (part of Lancelot on your desktop) and I think it really cool (I might use it instead of the whole Lancelot). But for some reasons it dosen't display icon "correctly" every icon is the default K icon. I just found out that this post is more or less pointless as the main problem is on my computer and not in your app. But if you wonder what the problem was: If I added the more than one Lancelot part on my panel the new would show the same thing as the other... I got around this with first setting the new Lancelot part on desktop and then moving it onto the panel. Also unfortunately Lancelot part as an panel embedded widget dosen't comply to plasma them that I use Naked, but it does as an desktop widget. It would be really cool if it would as it would give it a kind of MAC OS X dock look, but again not something that you have any control of (I guess it's up to the guy that makes naked to make that...) Sorry for this rather useless post.
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Unfortunately, I don't quite follow you Primoz, could you post a screenshot somewhere?
![]() Moderator ![]()
OK here is the screen-shot: ![]() It shows the icon problem and also the problem that if I add a group it dosen't open the sub-folder in Lancelot part but in dolphin. And the first Lancelot part on the panel is the "previous one". To be more clear: I recently got some plasma problems which mean that any new widget that I add isn't "remembered". So when I add the Lancelot part to panel is the same as it was before I log out and all of newly added widgets disappear. ![]() Unfortunately I have no proof that this is real. But if you wish I can make an screen-cast (now that I know how). And also I would wish that Suspend to disk and suspend to RAM would be added as they are currently available only from Kickoff menu.
Last edited by Primoz on Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
No need to prove, I believe you
![]() The problem is with applications:/ kio slave (both problems) - there are quite a few bugs in it, and it seems that they can manifest in many different ways. As for opening the groups in Dolphin, that is to be expected since Lancelot part behaves the same as the Folder view does. (Lancelot part sees the applications as directories and files thanks to the applications:/ kio slave) - so if it sees a folder, it asks the environment to open it with a default application. As for Suspend to disk/ram, it should be available in the log out dialogue. (btw, will be available from the menu directly in the future versions) |
![]() Moderator ![]()
Is that definite stance for Lancelot par? As I would like to see it behave as a small lancelot showing you only the apps that you want. But if you have other idea about it it's OK. I think I can make what I want with Quick Access widget, just not as good as the Lancelot. (Incidentally I would also like to see that Folder view acts like the Quick Access, but that just me). And about the suspend to disk/ram. It strangely dosen't appear in my log out dialog. At first I thought because my computer dosen't have that option, but when I tried it from Kick-Off it worked, at least the suspend to disk, suspend to ram didn't (or maybe it was my fault as I totally switched off the computer "plugged it off from the grid"). But that's a bit OT. I hope you'll consider the Lancelot part idea.
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Nothing's definite.
![]() |
![]() Moderator ![]()
Yes precisely that. And if I'm here stating my wishes for Lancelot part I would also wish that I would have less boredr by default when it's part of panel. So whenyou xlixk on it and it exetnds it looks similar to OS X dock part. Something like ths: http://skattertech.com/media/2007/10/ap ... enshot.jpg I'm not a real fan of make my Linux desktop look like OS X, but I think that Lancelot part is just the thing to provide similar look and feel of OS X dock. I think that would probably increase usability... As now I don't even have a main menu I do everything from the KRunner. But the Lancelot part would give me the possibility to access menus of only things that I use the most and don't want to type the whole name in KRunner (Like KNetwalk which all untill the O is the same as KNetworkManager)...
Last edited by Primoz on Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
![]() KDE Developer ![]()
Ok, I'll see about that. As for the MacOSX-style, it will most probably never happen - I really don't see the point of tilting and bending of the list - it screws up the font rendering while not providing (IMO) anything useful (not even eye-candy), and apart of that I'm already accused of not following the Plasma theme enough
![]() |
![]() Moderator ![]()
I agree. I forgot to elaborate my idea... I don't need the tilting and bending, as it really is useless. I only want the functionality of it. So when you click on a icon on panel the "menu" appears from it (with no borders). Thats all MAC OS X dock similarity that I need... The bending is really useless just an eye candy. Sorry for confusion.
Primoz, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
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