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Grub change boot order (from 4.13.0-43 kernel to 41)

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Hello everybody !

It's my first post please by indulgent o)

After last update i couldnt boot kde neon anymore, in recovery i havethis error : kernel panic kde neon unable to mount root
It seems that my laptop (Asus S300CA) doesnt handle this latest linux kernel.
So holding shift i boot i selected the previous kernel version to boot on and it worked perfectly. Then i edited my grub file to make my laptop boot by default on the previous kernel so i modified : GRUB_DEFAULT=0 by GRUB_DEFAULT="2>0" as i read on a forum. But then i'm not able to boot anymore and i can't even access the grub holding shift... :'(

Please help me i would like to watch the last episode of Greys Anatomie tonight....

I'm kidding of course for Greys xD

Thanks for your help :)


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