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Mouse theme reverts to default

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Mouse theme reverts to default

Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:27 pm
I have downloaded virtually all the mouse cursor themes available, and the only one I can actually see when using Libre Office is entis_cursors_x11_others.
It is not very nice but at least I can see where the mouse cursor is at every moment.
The problem is that after switching windows for a couple of times, it tends to go back to the default cursor theme (Breeze, I guess).
Not having time to research the bug, for the last couple of months I have had the systemsettings window open and go there to choose the cursor theme whenever it fails, which is about every 5 minutes.
I am sure the bug will someday be fixed, but is there a workaround for the problem?

Does anyone know what command I can assign to a shortcut to choose and refresh the cursor theme?


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