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Hey all,
I'm running KDE 4.3.2 on Fedora 11. I accidentally deleted my trash can icon from the desktop. I was able to restore the icon by creating a new link to a url, pointing it to trash:/, and setting the Icon and EmptyIcon fields correctly. However, now the icon doesn't automatically refresh when I put something in the trash can or empty the trash can. I also don't hear the sound that used to accompany emptying the trash can. If I want the icon to change to the correct one (empty or full) I actually have to modify the link (by viewing properties for instance, and then selecting OK) to force it to update. It seems like it's not reading the trash status unless I actually modify the link on the desktop. My setup has a plasma applet on the desktop that uses a folder view of the desktop. My regular desktop is just a wallpaper with plasma widgets. Would appreciate any help I can get on this as it's very annoying. I've tried copying a working trash can from another computer to this one, but it didn't have any affect on updating the icon. I'm guessing a service is messed up somewhere that is not kicking off all the activities that are supposed to happen (i.e. update icon, play sound, etc.) when I use the trash can, but I can't find information on what those might be. Mike |
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Actually, there's a specific trashcan plasmoid which should work better than that icon-method.
What you need to is to unlock the widgets (right-click on the desktop and you should see it). After that, bring up the add widgets dialogue (right click again). Locate the trash-plasmoid in the window and drag-and-drop it to the desktop. That should do it.
OpenSUSE 11.4, 64-bit with KDE 4.6.4
Proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct. |
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Thanks. I've seen the plasmoid and considered it as an option. I kind of liked having the trashcan icon on my desktop in the folder view, and since it came that way when I installed Fedora I thought it might have been intentional.
I've continued my search on how to restore this functionality, but still no luck. And now on my other computer, my icon is broken. I wonder if it breaks simply when the properties of the icon link are changed. |
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I was able to correctly get the trash icon to work.
1) I created a new link to location (URL) to trash:/ 2) I right clicked on the new Icon and under the Root Menu option I chose Edit as Root. This brought up the coding under Kwrite. 3) I had copied the encoding from another user account to ensure it would work, but here it is: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Trash Name[ar]=سلة المهملات Name[be@latin]=Śmietnica Name[bg]=Кошче Name[bn]=আবর্জনা Name[bn_IN]=আবর্জনা Name[ca]=Paperera Name[ca@valencia]=Paperera Name[cs]=Koš Name[csb]=Kòsz Name[da]=Affald Name[de]=Mülleimer Name[el]=Κάδος απορριμάτων Name[en_GB]=Wastebin Name[eo]=Rubujo Name[es]=Papelera Name[et]=Prügikast Name[eu]=Zakarontzia Name[fa]=زباله Name[fi]=Roskakori Name[fr]=Corbeille Name[fy]=Jiskefet Name[ga]=Bruscar Name[gl]=Lixo Name[gu]=કચરાપેટી Name[he]=אשפה Name[hi]=रद्दी Name[hne]=घुरुवा Name[hr]=Otpad Name[hsb]=Papjernik Name[hu]=Szemétkosár Name[id]=Tempat Sampah Name[is]=Rusl Name[it]=Cestino Name[ja]=ごみ箱 Name[kk]=Өшірілгендер Name[km]=ធុងសំរាម Name[kn]=ಕಸಬುಟ್ಟಿ Name[ko]=휴지통 Name[ku]=Çop Name[lt]=Šiukšliadėžė Name[lv]=Miskaste Name[mai]=रद्दी Name[mk]=Корпа Name[ml]=ചവറ്റുകുട്ട Name[mr]=कचरापेटी Name[ms]=Sampah Name[nb]=Søppelbøtte Name[nds]=Affalltünn Name[nl]=Prullenbak Name[nn]=Papirkorg Name[or]=ଆବର୍ଜନା ପାତ୍ର Name[pa]=ਰੱਦੀ Name[pl]=Kosz Name[pt]=Lixo Name[pt_BR]=Lixo Name[ro]=Gunoi Name[ru]=Корзина Name[se]=Ruskalihtti Name[si]=ඉවතලන බහලුම Name[sk]=Kôš Name[sl]=Smeti Name[sr]=Смеће Name[sr@ijekavian]=Смеће Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Smeće Name[sr@latin]=Smeće Name[sv]=Papperskorg Name[ta]=அகற்றிடம் Name[tg]=Сабад Name[th]=ถังขยะ Name[tr]=Çöp Name[uk]=Смітник Name[wa]=Batch Name[x-test]=xxTrashxx Name[zh_CN]=回收站 Name[zh_TW]=資源回收筒 Comment=Contains removed files Comment[ar]=تحوي الملفات المزالة Comment[be]=Утрымлівае выдаленыя файлы Comment[be@latin]=Zachoŭvaje vydalenyja fajły Comment[bg]=Съдържа премахнати файлове Comment[bn]=মুছে ফেলা ফাইল থাকে Comment[ca]=Conté els fitxers suprimits Comment[ca@valencia]=Conté els fitxers suprimits Comment[cs]=Obsahuje odstraněné soubory Comment[csb]=Kònténer rëmniãtëch lopków Comment[cy]=Yn cynnwys ffeiliau sydd wedi eu gwaredu Comment[da]=Indeholder slettede filer Comment[de]=Enthält weggeworfene Dateien Comment[el]=Περιέχει τα αφαιρεμένα αρχεία Comment[en_GB]=Contains removed files Comment[eo]=Enhavas forigitajn dosierojn Comment[es]=Contiene los archivos eliminados Comment[et]=Sisaldab eemaldatud faile Comment[eu]=Kendutako fitxategiak ditu Comment[fi]=Sisältää poistetut tiedostot Comment[fr]=Contiens les fichiers effacés Comment[fy]=Befetter fuortsmiten triemmen Comment[ga]=Comhaid bhainte atá ann Comment[gl]=Contén ficheiros eliminados Comment[gu]=દૂર કરેલ ફાઇલ ધરાવે છે Comment[he]=מכיל קבצים שהוסרו Comment[hi]=मिटाई गई फ़ाइलों को रखता है Comment[hne]=मेटाय फाइल ल रखथे Comment[hr]=Sadrži izbrisane datoteke Comment[hsb]=Tu so namakaja zničene dataje Comment[hu]=Törölt fájlokat tartalmaz Comment[id]=Berisi berkas yang dihapus Comment[is]=Inniheldur skrár sem hefur verið eytt Comment[it]=Contiene i file cancellati Comment[ja]=削除されたファイルを保管しています Comment[ka]=შეიცავს წაშლილ ფაილებს Comment[kk]=Өшірілген файлдар жататын орын Comment[km]=មានឯកសារដែលបានយកចេញ Comment[kn]=ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲಾದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ Comment[ko]=삭제된 파일 및 폴더가 있습니다 Comment[ku]=Di de pelên hatine rakirin jî hene Comment[lt]=Čia yra ištrintos bylos Comment[lv]=Satur izmestos failus Comment[mai]=मेटाएल गेल फ़ाइलसभक राखैत अछि Comment[mk]=Содржи избришани датотеки Comment[ml]=നീക്കം ചെയ്യപെട്ട ഫയലുകള് ഉല്പെടുന്നു Comment[mr]=काढूण टाकलेले फाइल समाविष्टीत आहे Comment[nb]=Inneholder filer som er fjernet Comment[nds]=Bargt wegmaakt Dateien Comment[nl]=Bevat de verwijderde bestanden Comment[nn]=Inneheld sletta filer Comment[or]=ଅପସାରିତ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଧାରଣ କରିଥାଏ Comment[pa]=ਹਟਾਈਆਂ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਰੱਖਦਾ ਹੈ Comment[pl]=Zawiera usunięte pliki Comment[pt]=Contém os ficheiros removidos Comment[pt_BR]=Contém arquivos removidos Comment[ro]=Conține fișierele șterse Comment[ru]=Содержит удалённые файлы Comment[se]=Dáppe leat eret váldon fiillat Comment[si]=මකන ලද ගොනු ඇත Comment[sk]=Obsahuje odstránené súbory Comment[sl]=Vsebujejo odstranjene datoteke Comment[sr]=Садржи уклоњене фајлове Comment[sr@ijekavian]=Садржи уклоњене фајлове Comment[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Sadrži uklonjene fajlove Comment[sr@latin]=Sadrži uklonjene fajlove Comment[sv]=Innehåller borttagna filer Comment[ta]=அகற்றப்பட்ட கோப்புகள் இருக்கிறது Comment[te]=తీసివేసిన ఫైళ్ళను కలిగివుంటుంది Comment[tg]=Дорои файлҳои несткардашуда Comment[th]=บรรจุแฟ้มที่ถูกลบ Comment[tr]=Silinen dosyaları içerir Comment[uk]=Містить вилучені файли Comment[uz]=Olib tashlangan fayllardan iborat Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Олиб ташланган файллардан иборат Comment[vi]=Chứa tập tin bị gỡ bỏ Comment[wa]=I gn a dvins des fitchîs oistés Comment[xh]=Iqulathe iifayile ezisusiweyo Comment[x-test]=xxContains removed filesxx Comment[zh_CN]=储存已删除的文件 Comment[zh_TW]=包含已移除的檔案 Icon=user-trash-full EmptyIcon=user-trash Type=Link URL=trash:/ OnlyShowIn=KDE; I am sure most if not all of the additional languages can be left off, but I just took it verbatim from the other user. Just save and you are finished. |
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