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Hi --
I've been running kde 4.5 beta for the past couple of days (Fedora 13) and I quite like it. However, at some point last night X restarted itself and changed settings on my desktop, which I can't figure out how to change. Originally (forgive me if I get some of this terminology wrong...) I had the desktop set to display a few applets/widgets (I believe this is the default mode). After last night, it is now set to the new 'launcher/search' mode. That's not such a huge problem (especially since I rarely see my desktop), except that I'm completely unable to change it! The desktop doesn't react to right-click and the 'cashew' also refuses to display a menu (clicking on it causes the desktop to shift to make room for the menu, but it doesn't appear). Is this setting stored in a config file in .kde/share/config so I can change it manually back to the applet view or the folder view? I can file a bug report for this, but I'd like to figure out some of the proper names of all these widgety/applety/cashewy things first ;-) Thanks update: when running plasma-desktop from a terminal, this is what is output when clicking on the 'cashew' a couple of times:
(nothing is output on right-click) |
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Before anything you should definitely backup all 3 plasma rc files ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma*
first see if there's a backup of plasma-desktop-appletsrc, if so revert to it by renaming it and making the backup (appended by ~) it (by removing the "~") then restart plasma (kquitapp plasma-desktop; plasma-desktop) if that doesn't work you could edit the file and try changing the activity back to desktop from search and launch by finding the strings "plugin=sal" and changing them to "plugin=desktop" - no idea if this will work Worse case delete the 3 plasma rc files and revert to the default settings (after restarting plasma-desktop) term your looking for when reporting bug is "desktop activity type" (I believe) lastly, I back up these 3 files regularly just in case, because I find it a pain to recreate my panel |
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Thanks! that did the trick (plugin=sal was in plasma-desktop-appletsrc)
Yeah -- I just backup the whole config directory. In this case, there were a lot of differences (too many to pick through) between the two plasma-desktop-appletsrc files, so I just changed the one line. I'll watch to see if this sort of thing happens again before filing any bugs. Cheers! |
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