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suggestion for interface approvement

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suggestion for interface approvement

Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:53 am
Hi all

I am a relative new KDE user, yet I am attracted by its great interface. After use KDE for a while I think I noticed several small issues. Here is a screen shot of the "system settings" applications on my laptop


As you may immediately notice, when the window is maximized you would find large blank margins on the right side, as the grid distance between icons is not scaled with windows size. Also, the distance between icons seems a little bit small, that some of the text below wraps into three lines. Third, the default icon size seems small when using large screen / high resolution.

From a personal opinion I would suggest:

1. either make the grid distance scale with window size so the icons are going to be more evenly distributed when the window is maximized; or make the window size fixed for this application.

2. make the default distance between icons larger so the text below do not expand into three lines or more; two would be at most I think.

3. make the default icon size larger for high resolution.

The mageia/mandriva control center has done something worth to see:


Please notice though they have multiple lines, the text is beside a large icon, not under it.

Any ideas for this?
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Registered Member
This looks nice. Also, categories in system settings could be organized better, I hate to say that, but categorization in system settings is terrible :/


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