Registered Member
I made a little patch to add the total for the payment and preferred accounts list in the homeview, do you think it can be integrated in the main src? |
Registered Member
What is the patch about?
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
It simply add a row "Total" in the payment accounts list and in the preferred accounts list in the home view.
Registered Member
You can send the patch file to our mailing list. kmymoney-devel at
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
KDE Developer
Can you drop it in KDE's reviewboard at so that we can take a look and integrate it? Please provide a patch against git master and use kmymoney as the repository.
OK: Hei Ku beats me here. Sending it to the developer list so that we can add it to reviewboard is equally good.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
I went for the easy way, as you are likely not familiarized with reviewboard, and the patch must be simple enough to handle it manually.
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
Hum.. I created a review request, I don't know if it's ok as this is the first time that I use the reviewboard. |
Registered Member
You posted it correctly. I'll review it and comment on it.
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
Registered Member
I fixed it by your suggestions and uploaded another diff, now what?
Registered Member
We review it again, test it again, and then push it to master if it's ok
Hei Ku, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney Development Team since January-2008
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