Registered Member
I am running Kmymoney ver. 5.0 on Ubuntu 18.04. The installation on the program ran perfectly. When I go to File, Import, QFX it does not find the file I exported from Quicken. If I select all files I can see the file. If I select the file to import I receive the following error.
Unable to import file:///home/tom/Desktop/*****.qxf using the OFX importer plugin. This file is not the correct format. I also downloaded the windows version of Kmymoney and had the same problem. From the reviews I've read and the information about the program on the website leads me to believe that this is a very good program. Any suggestions that could help me get past the error message would be much appreciated |
KDE Developer
Can you possibly paste the first few lines of your file here? Simply replace any confidential data with # or X.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
Unfortunately I cannot find anyway to open the file so I can copy some of the information contained in it. If you have any suggestions I'm open to listening
KDE Developer
Ok, a few more questions (run the commands on the command line):
What is the output of
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
Okay, to
file /home/tom/desktop/***.qxf I receive the following, cannot open `/***.qxf' (No such file or directory) I did verify the location of the file in terminal, and the file is there. When I enter head -n 10 /home/tom/Desktop/***.qxf The output is garbage. See the following �ųs�̸���}�F��C~ �h�U�����b�EĈ@�,��^ٮ����v���h[.nVcnV��Bk���7��@ ��4:�7��5K���-����+��|���k�f�E�x*N������x�|���O�T��M�[�O�+r!;ƙ��n�� y There was more of the same, but I thought this would be sufficient. I ran the last command and received more of the same garbage. I did try to export the file again from Quicken, but the results were the same. I did try to import the file into GNUcash, and that import did work. So I know the file is valid. I would really like to try Kmymoney because of the reviews I have read, but if it is going to be a problem getting my existing data into the program I will have to go in another direction. If you have any other suggestions I'm all ears. |
KDE Developer
Of course you have to replace the *** with the actual name of your file. Then it should not respond with the error
Again, *** needs to be your specific filename, but it looks you may have used it. Otherwise, the same error would have shown up (cannot open file)
Hmm, I doubt that. It may look like garbage to you but might give some insights. Here's an example.
So the output of that last command (and of course the first one done correct) is interesting. I agree that the second does not do any good in this case.
In my example I took a .kmy file which I know has a binary format just for demonstration purposes. You should use your .qfx file. Please try again to see if commands 1 and 3 give some results. Another option to proceed would be to create a sample .qfx file if you still have access to Quicken and provide it to us for testing.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
When I ran the commands I used the actual file name. I inserted the *** for posting on the forum. I will run the commands again tonight and post the complete output.
Registered Member
I will post each of the responses seperately
To file /home/tom/Desktop/banking.qxf I received the following output /home/tom/Desktop/banking.qxf: cannot open `/home/tom/Desktop/banking.qxf' (No such file or directory) Again I did check in terminal and I was able to find the file. tom@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ls Banking.qxf |
Registered Member
To head -n 10 /home/tom/Desktop/Banking.qxf If I try to post the complete output I receive the following error.
General Error SQL ERROR [ mysqli ] Incorrect string value: '\xF2\x9D\xA2\x9E\xEF\xBF...' for column 'post_text' at row 1 [1366] An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists. |
Registered Member
And to the final command, od -c /home/tom/Desktop/Banking.qxf | head -n 20
I received the following output 0000000 217 305 263 s 336 314 270 243 371 002 312 022 } 224 F 261 0000020 256 C ~ \n 265 207 230 } ! 177 273 367 355 U D 7 0000040 r 1 216 260 \r 366 h 373 U 234 260 342 034 247 275 b 0000060 210 E 037 304 210 @ 377 , 303 306 ^ 331 256 377 223 314 0000100 310 016 v 367 264 030 360 h [ . n V c n V 305 0000120 351 B k 244 360 363 7 356 343 @ \f 277 363 4 : 247 0000140 7 361 254 5 K 246 364 253 - 357 324 344 233 + 246 250 0000160 | 306 345 034 312 k 210 f 017 322 031 E 316 x * N 0000200 245 316 030 220 263 376 327 x 305 | 236 271 261 O 330 T 0000220 342 262 M 240 [ 254 O 222 + r ! ; 306 231 244 307 0000240 n 344 376 \f y \v k 361 257 341 H 032 206 E 322 371 0000260 372 202 207 B 367 = 325 326 206 i * z \t 347 365 U 0000300 005 242 220 222 y 361 335 320 226 W 206 ( 035 F h $ 0000320 265 337 371 m 276 G 320 6 q 222 223 U ` Q 362 235 0000340 242 236 201 001 ; 331 d v 346 \f > p j s 325 b 0000360 214 032 L r D 361 266 242 266 203 270 F 353 003 y 322 0000400 314 m ) @ 305 < 332 346 272 \f K ) ' 023 \v V 0000420 H 6 226 I } u 275 177 275 220 333 322 \b q 0 321 0000440 336 2 ; 312 = p C d 177 321 201 X d 331 027 205 0000460 217 275 ' 270 ] 032 n 350 023 257 K 256 N 320 372 221 |
KDE Developer
I wonder which method GnuCash uses to read this data. All I see is binary data as well and no known structure. Might have to consult GNC sources.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
First let me thank you for your time. I am sort of like a bull dog, once I lock my teeth on something I do not let go. I am going to try Kmymoney on one of the other distros I am test driving and see if the problem persists. Here is one last question, could this be caused since I am using the gnome DE?
If I do figure this out I will post the solution. |
KDE Developer
This bull dog behavior also applies to myself if it comes to those bugs. But I can hardly believe that you imported this file successfully into GnuCash using their OFX importer. I checked the source and it uses the exact same code that we do so it can't be any different. GnuCash does not call libOFX any different than KMyMoney does. Very strange.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
Registered Member
I don't know if this will help. When I select import OFX and the box pops up to select the file. It is set to look for .ofx, .qfx, and .ofc files, but it will not see my file. It does the same thing if I try to import a QIF file. If I change the file type search to all files I will then see the file. If I select it to import that is when I get the error message that the file is not in the proper format.
KDE Developer
Yes, the file does not show up because it does not match the provided file extensions (you named them). There certainly is a difference between qfx and qxf which the human eye might not spot in the first place but a computer - being pedantic - does.
ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning.
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5 |
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