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Transactions missing, in reports and when I tried to save As

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(I used mysql database and KMY 4.8.3)

I imported about 10 years of personal transactions in KMY, for that I setup accounts and used the CSV import feature (which works nicely).
To validate my imported data I used mysql, then after some validation I decided to save db as KMY_data_file and..
the generated result data doesn't have all my transactions, transactions stopped at 23/07/2019 and today is 16/aug..

So, I have been thinking:
- Does Kmymoney load all data in a “data reader” to then save as KMY data file? in this case it couldn't load all data?
- There is a limit of transactions that can be “saved as”?

- I got similar behavior when I tried to generate reports, my latest transactions weren’t coming on report (in this case I was using just mysql without back and forth with file types) So, this might be a case where KMY try to retrieve data and a kind of “data reader” is overload. My guess. (I tested this case in many KMY versions 4.8.4, 5.0.4, etc.)


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