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KMyMoney Platform Version 4.14.65 - Category Types/Groups

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I'm a long-time Quicken user that I have gotten to the point I'm tired of using the software. I recently came across the KMyMoney Software and I was pleasantly surprised that this software does a lot of things that Quicken was known to do well with in the past. I like the clean screens KMyMoney has and I am currently exploring the possibility of replacing Quicken with the KMyMoney Software. I'm wondering though as I organize my Budget categories, I'm used to grouping my categories according to how I review my budget each month. For example, in Quicken I have grouped my budget categories the following way:

A - Income
1 - Payroll Deductions
2 - Monthly Expenses
3 - Periodic Expenses
4 - Planned Expenses
5 - Emergency/Unplanned Expenses
6 - Deferred Expenses

The above is based mostly on frequency and priority as to when they occur. Example: Payroll deductions like State and Federal Taxes, 2-Monthly Expenses like Mortgage, Food and Gas, Periodic Expenses like Annual Club Dues, and Planned Expenses like, etc.

The question I have does KMyMoney have the ability to assign or group budget categories more globally like this where these categories can easily be edited and changed based on changing priorities? This way of grouping categories is how I like to review my expenses during the month. When I'm planning each category for the year, I don't use these groupings because I'm looking at the bigger picture and not so much on sequence or priority. I'm more concerned about looking at all categories at the same time and spread the money on each category as evenly as possible. As I switch to monthly budget reviews I then think about priorities and sequence. At that point, I might switch money around and make adjustments.


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