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Funds merger

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Funds merger

Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:30 am

I have two (related) questions

1. How would people deal with a merger between two funds into a third one (or the absorption of one fund by another) so that it does not affect the capital gains report. At the moment, I use the "remove shares" for the fund(s) that disappear and "add shares" for the new fund (or the fund in which the old one is being absorbed). However, this leads to an artificial loss in the old one and an artificial gain in the new one.

2. Similarly, how would people deal with a change of the account in which the stocks are being held (e.g. in the case of a change of broker). Again, I use "remove shares" and "add shares", which leads to a similar issue as above. In this case, even when doing a "capital gains report by type", the share appears twice (once for each account).

Thanks for any idea/suggestion.



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