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Where to download binaries for formal releases

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I have been using KMyMoney for several months now, and I love it.
I am also impressed by what seems like a very dedicated development team.
You folks are going a great job.

I don't mean to be rude or critical, but I have an issue
that I think needs some improvement:
downloading installation files.

The web site home page says:

"KMyMoney strives to be the easiest open source
personal finance manager to use, especially for the non-technical user."

It may be easy to use, but it seems to be difficult to install.
I am a software developer, and I'm confused.
A "non-technical" user would be even more confused.

The News/Announcements page of the web site says the latest
version is 5.1.1, released in Dec 2020.
The download link seems to be for SOURCE only, not binaries.
The "non-technical" user won't know what to do with source files,
and probably won't even realize the files are source instead of binary.

The Install and Download buttons on the home page go to the Downloads page,
which has 3 download links for Windows binaries:
Previous released version (5.0.6, which is actually several releases back),
and nightly preview builds for Stable and Master branches.

The Stable nightly builds have release numbers like 5.1-492,
and include regular and debug versions, with no explanation
of the several files available.
This will be confusing to the "non-technical" user.

How "stable" are the "Stable" nightly builds?
Should everyone be downloading these, or should the average
"non-technical" person be downloading only the "formal" releases
that are listed in the News/Announce page?

There are binaries for the nightly builds.
Surely there must be binaries for the formal releases,
but I could not find them.

Can someone please explain the release and download strategy,
and where to download binaries for the formal releases
listed in the News/Announcements web page?

I think the download links need to be simplified for a
"non-technical" person to use them more easily.
Registered Member

I'm a mac user but if I had to download a windows version I'd go with what's in the download servers (v5.0.6). Pick the version 32 or 64 and it's just one setup exe file to run.

If I would want to check on what's coming, that is new features, then I'd check the stable versions of the binary-factory kde link, curently (changes every day)
kmymoney-5.1-942-windows-msvc2019_64-cl.exe , don't forget to check it's sha256, also just one file to run the install.


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