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Scheduled Transaction Question

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Scheduled Transaction Question

Fri Mar 12, 2021 2:40 pm

I do have monthly 2 separate direct debits from the same payee with the same amount which I have to transfer to 2 different accounts during import of an OFX file downloaded from the bank. The text in the memo fields is containing distinct reference numbers.

If I create a scheduled transaction for each of them and import an OFX file containing data of a couple of months, either none is processed during import or both are processed with the same scheduled transaction. In the second case only the first half of data are processed, as through the double using of the one scheduled transaction for both imported transactions the total configured number of transactions is already used. Entering the distinct reference numbers into the memo field of the scheduled transactions does also not help.

It also seems to me that none is processed if none of these transactions have ever been entered into this account but processing takes place if one transaction was manually entered before the import. It makes no difference if only one of the two or one of each transaction is entered.

Is there a way how I can solve this?

KMM 5.0.6
Windows 10 20H2
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Re: Scheduled Transaction Question

Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:38 am
Is there no expert who can give an answer to this question?
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KDE Developer

Re: Scheduled Transaction Question

Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:59 am
Well, there are experts, but they may not have answers right away but more questions :) 5.0.6 is rather old. We have made improvements to the transaction matcher in the meantime. Can you check if a newer version still has that problem? Keep the old installer file in case you want to go back. It may make sense to uninstall your current version before you install the new one. All your settings will be kept, though.

In general that is a real crazy corner case which was certainly not taken into account when designing the transaction matcher. You mentioned that you have two scheduled payments each month to the same payee with the same amount. You did not mention the time between these transactions. Can you provide some information about that as well?

When you mention "2 different accounts" are these asset/liability accounts or categories? In case of accounts, can you provide some more information about the reasoning behind it?

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
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Re: Scheduled Transaction Question

Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:09 pm
Sorry, I should have written "... which I have to assign to 2 different categories …" not "… which I have to transfer to 2 different accounts …". I also didn't mention that both of them are split transactions, so if they are messed up during import for each of these transactions the split has to be deleted first and a new split has to be entered. This can't be done in bulk.

During the last 10 years both direct debits are processed between the 1st and the 4th of each month, in different order. With some of them the amount deviates for various reasons.

Even so KMM 5.0.6 is rather old, on the download site version "kmymoney5-mingw64-5.0.6-8.1-setup.exe" is still the newest official version for Windows. Trying a newer version, the following points came up:

1. I'm using KMM since some 4.x version and never uninstalled it before installing a new version (as you recommended in your post). So at first I uninstalled and reinstalled the version 5.0.6
    - Importing one of my OFX files showed a far better result than before. The 2 direct debits were recognized correct in most of the transactions (explanation below).

2. Then I uninstalled version 5.0.6 and installed the stable version "kmymoney-5.1-976-windows-msvc2019_64-cl.exe" (Version 5.1.1-8a0bda768).

    - The import of the same OFX file showed exactly the same result as the import with the reinstalled version 5.0.6. I couldn't find any differences!

    - The SQLit3 database file of KMM and the OFX files downloaded from the bank I have stored on a server on my home network. So I can work with KMM from my stationary computer as well as from my notebook. With version 5.0.6 and before this setup is/ was working perfect but with the stable version 5.1.1 I can open the SQLite3 database file but can't import any OFX file.

    >> Unable to import <file name> using the OFX importer plugin. The plugin returned the following error: Unable to parse file <<

    When copying the OFX file to a local drive the import has been working fine.

    - I've imported an OFX file with data of 2 years and got a problem with the direct debits of 3 months somewhere within this time period.

    The only reason I can imagine is, that over the whole period the transactions Direct Debit #1 are +- 400,00 and most of the transactions Direct Debit #2 +- 300,00. In the months where the amount of the transactions Direct Debit #2 is +- 500,00 (changing from lower to higher than the amount of Direct Debit #1) the assignment of Direct Debit #2 is mixed up with the scheduled transaction of Direct Debit #1 for the following month. As soon as the amount of Direct Debit #2 falls below the one of Direct Debit #1, the assignments are OK again.

    Also creating a separate scheduled transaction with the right amount for this period didn't solve the problem.
3. So I'll go back to version 5.0.6 because
    - the stable version didn't make any difference to my problem
    - I can keep all my files on the server
    - I'm using KMM in German and the stable versions are in English only

I hope I could explain it in an understandable way, if not, let me know.
Thanks for your help, at least I do have some improvement with the clean reinstallation of version 5.0.6!


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