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Percentage split transactions

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Percentage split transactions

Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:36 pm
Allowing splitting a total into different categories/tags as a percentage of the total would be extremely useful. I am a new user migrating from Quicken (2012), It was quite easy to memorize transations with percentage splits in that software. This is fairly important to me as we run two home-based businesses. Depending on the transaction, I need to split some transactions:
1. two ways between the amount of expense and/or income category and my 5% Goods and Service Tax (GST) account
2. three ways expense split between my spouse's business expenses (50%) my business expenses (47.5%) and my GST account (2.5%)
3. three way expense split (e.g. for property taxes, municipal utilities, other non-taxable expenses) between the personal portion, my spouse's business expenses and my business expenses
4. four way expense split (e.g. for heating fuel, electricity, repairs, etc.) between the personal portion, my spouse's business expenses, my business expenses, and my GST account.

I searched but all I found was a thread from 9 years ago saying that it was not possible. I hope this has changed but could find no info in the documentation.

I would be grateful for any help, tips or direction. Thanks.

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KDE Developer

Re: Percentage split transactions

Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:03 pm
Sorry to say that, but the information you found is still valid. Only the GST case can be automated in KMyMoney. Look for VAT setttings.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5


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