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Is there an advantage to backing up Manually?

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I am running KMyMoney 5.0.0 on Linux Mint Mate 19.3

I just had the "File is not parsable" error but was able to quickly recover by reverting to one of my numerous auto-saved backups. (in Settings > General)

Is there an advantage to manually doing File > Backup ? Or can I continue to rely on the Auto-Save feature

Thanks, Tony
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KDE Developer
KMyMoney supports two different mechanisms to keep old versions of the file.
  1. Manual Backup via File/Backup and
  2. Keeping the last n versions of the file.

1. is a complete manual operation and needs to be started by the user and allows you to save a copy to a different medium
2. is an automated procedure performed by KMyMoney everytime the data is saved to disk but happens on the same medium (when enabled)

In case you turn on autosave, 2. will kick in everytime the autosave will trigger. My personal preference is to set the number of backup copies kept by method 2 to a maximum and turn off autosave because I am used to save the data myself every now and then.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
Registered Member
ipwizard wrote:KMyMoney supports two different mechanisms to keep old versions of the file.
  1. Manual Backup via File/Backup and
  2. Keeping the last n versions of the file.

1. is a complete manual operation and needs to be started by the user and allows you to save a copy to a different medium
2. is an automated procedure performed by KMyMoney everytime the data is saved to disk but happens on the same medium (when enabled)

In case you turn on autosave, 2. will kick in everytime the autosave will trigger. My personal preference is to set the number of backup copies kept by method 2 to a maximum and turn off autosave because I am used to save the data myself every now and then.

Ipwizard, thanks for the quick reply.

it's reassuring that I'm not losing "functionality" by relying on auto-save.

I recognise the advantage of manual Backup using a different medium. I already have an automated backup of KMyMoney ( and other files) to various other media.

Thanks again, Tony
Registered Member
I really like the auto-backup feature.

The menu setting restricts the number of backups to 20; this may only cover a few days usage depending on what has been happening with my transactions.

Is it possible to configure a higher number of backups?

Thanks, Tony
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KDE Developer
You can try to modify the value directly in the configuration file, but I don't give a guarantee how long it will survive there or is trimmed to the max of 20 when read by KMyMoney. Opening the settings dialog it will show a max value of 20 even though the value remains higher in the configuration file. So you may give it a try and report. Please file a wishlist item on the bugtracker to raise the limit. Providing a value that would work for you is a plus. Here's how to modify the setting in ~/.config/kmymoney/kmymoneyrc
[General Options]

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
Registered Member
ipwizard wrote:You can try to modify the value directly in the configuration file, but I don't give a guarantee how long it will survive there or is trimmed to the max of 20 when read by KMyMoney. Opening the settings dialog it will show a max value of 20 even though the value remains higher in the configuration file. So you may give it a try and report. Please file a wishlist item on the bugtracker to raise the limit. Providing a value that would work for you is a plus. Here's how to modify the setting in ~/.config/kmymoney/kmymoneyrc
[General Options]

Thanks for the prompt response.

Unfortunately, the number if backups IS trimmed to 20 despite the setting in ~/.config/kmymoney/kmymoneyrc.

I have flagged as requested.

Thanks, Tony


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