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5.1-1143 Map Account says the network path was not found

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New user, new install on Windows 7.

On a fresh install, I created one account, right clicked it, selected`Map Account...`. I type in and select "Fidelity Investments" then `Next`. At that point (before trying to log in), the connection details say:

Details for Fidelity Investments:

Does not support online banking

That is unexpected, because I think that fidelity does support OFX.

But before that dialog is printed, I notice that the logs were complaining about "OFX ServiceInfo: "The network path was not found.", and "Couldn't start kwalletd". I would not expect the logs to have errors about connecting to OFX.

I noticed that the file fipid-449.xml was in the Windows "AppData\kmymoney" directory. I see that there's some notes about setting user name to Fidelity customer ID, but I never get that far. I haven't tried the manual tab, but don't have any data to use for the OFX handshake beyond what is in the xml file.

Edit To Add:
I downloaded OfxExplorer and it was able to authenticate and get a list of accounts. So I went into the `Manual` tab, and put in the following:

FID: 7776
User Agent: InetClntApp/3.0

The result was better than before (this is still prior submitting password):
Details for

FID: 7776
Supports online statements
Supports investments
Supports bill payment (but not supported by KMyMoney yet)

I put my username, password, and Client UID (1591edce-f96b-4992-b0f5-ae8c7aead84a, which is from OfxExplorer) and the result is:
No suitable accounts were found at this bank.

The only additional "complaint" in the logging is `kf.kio.slaves.http: Can't communicate with kded_kcookiejar!`

Please advise.

Code: Select all
[2212] destination changed to "/c:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/kmymoney/ofx-bank-index.xml"
[2212] Starting eventloop
[5736] kf.kio.slaves.http: Can't communicate with kded_kcookiejar!
[2212] Finishing eventloop
[2212] Ending eventloop
[2212] destination changed to "/c:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/kmymoney/fipid-449.xml"
[2212] Starting eventloop
[5736] kf.kio.slaves.http: Can't communicate with kded_kcookiejar!
[2212] Finishing eventloop
[2212] Ending eventloop
[2212] OFX ServiceInfo: "The network path was not found."
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] Couldn't start kwalletd:  QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Disconnected", "Not connected to D-Bus server")
[2212] QObject::connect: Cannot connect (nullptr)::walletOpened(bool) to KOnlineBankingSetupWizard::walletOpened(bool)

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<institution id="449">
<name>Fidelity Investments</name>
<lastofxvalidation>2021-11-11 00:07:38</lastofxvalidation>
<lastsslvalidation>2020-11-18 00:00:36</lastsslvalidation>
<profile finame="Fidelity Distributors Corp." addr1="Fidelity Brokerage Services, Inc" addr2="82 Devonshire Street" city="Boston" state="MA" postalcode="2109" country="USA" csphone="1-800-544-7931" url="" signonmsgset="true" bankmsgset="true" invstmtmsgset="true" seclistmsgset="true" notes="Set username to your fidelity Customer ID
Automatically imports 3 months of transactions"/>
Registered Member
(tap, tap, tap) Is this thing on?


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