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KMyMoney refuses to start after move to different PC

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On my Win 10 PC I've put my KMM .kmy file in a Veracrypt encrypted container file, which I mount as drive k. KMM (Version 5.1.0-d60b0fa1e, installed a couple of years ago) happily opens the .kmy file.
I've now installed KMM (kmymoney5-mingw64-5.0.6-8.1-setup.exe from on a second PC (also Win 10 Pro), and copied the Veracrypt container file across to the second PC.
On the second PC, I can open the container file and mount it as drive k: with VC perfectly ok, but when I start KMM, it fails to open and hangs, just displaying the splash screen. I’ve made a Windows batch file, and I call KMM with this line:
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\kmymoney5\bin\kmymoney.exe" k:\<myKMMfilename>.kmy

The following three error messages appear in the command prompt window:
Code: Select all
3: 2021/12/02 120250:gwen(9308):i18n.c: 120:No translation found for WIN32 locale[English_United Kingdom.1252]
3: 2021/12/02 120250:gwen(9308):plugin.c:  379: Plugin "aqofxconnect" not found.
4: 2021/12/02 120250:aqbanking (9308):bankinginit.c: 507:Could not load backend "aqofxconnect", ignoring

If I simply start up KMM without any parameters, KMM starts perfectly ok to the Home screen, but if I then choose File/Open, navigate to drive k:, and select my .kmy file, I get a dialog box pop up with the message:
Code: Select all
“Cannot open file as requested, details:  File was not parsable! /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kmymoney-5.0.6/kmymoney/plugins/xml/mymoneystoragexml.cpp:1396

I've tried copying the container file again from old to the second PC in case it got corrupted - it still works on the old PC, but still fails on the second PC.
What am I doing wrong? I’m presumably missing some vital component(s)? Has the .kmy file format changed from v5.0.6 to v5.1.0? Why are version numbers seemingly going backwards? I'm mystified. Can anybody help, please?
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Ah! Solved it. I don't understand why I managed to download KMM vVersion 5.1.0-d60b0fa1e a couple of years ago, but kmymoney5-mingw64-5.0.6-8.1-setup a couple of days ago. The version numbers seem to be going backwards. I uninstalled 5.0.6 and reinstalled 5.1.0. KMM now works properly.
Sorry to bother you.


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