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Currency is wrong for investment account

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Due to the presence of (evil) spiritual entities beyond my control, I have an investment account with the correct U.S. Dollar currency, but the associated brokerage (checking) account shows as British Pounds. When I try to edit the account, the currency box is greyed out. Do I have to delete the account and start over or is there a shorter way to subvert these demonic forces? Thanks for reading.
(Version 5.1.2-416a91c2a)
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I had a possibly related experience with a similar bad outcome when I imported transactions to convert from Q. I defined a brokerage account in US$ and an investment account in a foreign currency. KMyMoney imported the investment transaction as US$ and I couldn't find any way to fix it. Deleting imported transaction and manually entering still resulted in home currency being used. I eventually had to delete the investment account and create a new investment account defined in the foreign currency and then manually enter transaction. It took a little manipulation to get everything exactly right as the stock purchase was in a foreign currency and the commission charge was in US$. It wasn't too painful as there was just the one purchase in that currency. Your problem is more evil as the underlying brokerage account has the error and you probably have many transactions there, so deleting and re-entering might not be viable. Looks like you need IPWIZARD for this one...
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markhm wrote:Looks like you need IPWIZARD for this one...

Ok, here we go. But before we start any activity (of course we do have tons of backups around) one or two more questions:
I understand, that the investment account is in USD but the brokerage account is in GBP and you want to have both in USD. (a) Correct?
Looking at the amounts shown in the ledger of the brokerage account: (b) are the values correct in GBP or do they show actually show USD values (already)? (c) Is that true for all transactions in the brokerage account?

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
Registered Member
ipwizard wrote:
markhm wrote:Looks like you need IPWIZARD for this one...

Ok, here we go. But before we start any activity (of course we do have tons of backups around) one or two more questions:
I understand, that the investment account is in USD but the brokerage account is in GBP and you want to have both in USD. (a) Correct?
Looking at the amounts shown in the ledger of the brokerage account: (b) are the values correct in GBP or do they show actually show USD values (already)? (c) Is that true for all transactions in the brokerage account?

First, thanks Markhm and IPW for your replies.

1) yes, brokerage is in GBP and I want them both in $.
2) The values are correct dollar amounts. It's as if there is a 1-1 exchange rate GBP - $ (I wish! :-) )
3) It is true for all that I checked. And the totals check out with the totals from the statements.
4) There are actually two accounts that have this same problem. They are both very old (closed) accounts that I wanted to include in summary reports. So, I created them both this week.
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In this scenario (all values show up correctly in the wanted currency, just the currency is wrong) I would think that changing the currency denomination of the account could solve the problem (you notice: no guarantee). Following are the steps to do so (please make sure to have a backup of your data before proceeding):
  1. Convert your file into readable XML with e.g. "zcat xxx.kmy > xxx.xml"
  2. Open xxx.xml in a text editor of your choice
  3. Search for the line containing <ACCOUNT .... name="the name of your brokerage account" ....>
  4. Change currency="GBP" into currency="USD" in that line and save the file
  5. Rename xxx.xml to xxx.kmy with e.g. "mv xxx.xml xxx.kmy" (no need to compress, KMyMoney will do that for you on next save)
  6. Start KMyMoney to open xxx.kmy and see if it worked (i.e. check your numbers and reports to show correct values)

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5
Registered Member
IPWizard, you're a genius !
There was one slight hiccup, one of the accounts had "currency=GBP" that was easy to change to "USD."
But the second account had "currency=E000384". I pretended that read as GBP, and changed it to USD, and all seems to be fine.
Thanks very much.
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KDE Developer
atheist wrote:IPWizard, you're a genius !

That is just an impression and it might be wrong :D

atheist wrote:There was one slight hiccup, one of the accounts had "currency=GBP" that was easy to change to "USD."
But the second account had "currency=E000384". I pretended that read as GBP, and changed it to USD, and all seems to be fine.

Ooops, changing E000384 to a currency (USD) is probably not a good idea. E000384 denotes a security and you should find a respective SECURITY record with that id (E000384) in your file. That security has a trading-currency attribute which shows the currency it is traded in. If that trading-currency shows GBP you can change it to USD instead. Maybe, you check that again before you run into more/other trouble.

ipwizard, proud to be a member of the KMyMoney forum since its beginning. :-D
openSuSE Leap 15.4 64bit, KF5


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