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Cannot import dividends

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Cannot import dividends

Sat May 28, 2022 3:29 am
Believe me, I have tried to solve this problem myself, but all to no avail.
I have had satisfactory success importing CSV files into many different accounts in KMM.
However, I have tried and failed to import this one CSV file of dividends into an investment account.
The tab-delimited fields all seem to line up correctly.
Fields are assigned.
But when I hit "import file", I get the not-unexpected "Invalid Transaction Type". (This often happens with other imports. I click on the pulldown window and tell it that it is "add shares" or "buy" etc. Train it, I guess. And then KMM runs on with no other questions.)
However, when I tell it that it is a "Dividend", the OK radio button remains greyed out.
If I tell it that the transaction is an "add share" or "Reinvest Dividend" the button will light up properly, but it repeats the question for each and every line in the file -- 100s of them.

As a side note, I have tried editing the file cvsimporterrc; I even deleted it to let the program recreate it. No joy.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Version 5.1.2-416a91c2a


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